Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member
The Axis of awesome stole the idea for their video.

here is the original:


no one gives a shit about your opinion of cats and dogs.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
The Axis of awesome stole the idea for their video.

here is the original:

Isn't that the crux of the video? Everybody stole it. Thousands and thousands of people dating back to since music began.


Well-Known Member

It was a comedic observation made first (as far as I can tell) by Rob Paravonian.
Later axis of awesome made the same observation.

(Both videos have already been posted in this thread)

The crux of the video is that people us the same chords and progression over and over.
Pointing it out in an artistic and funny way is different.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I don't think all those people independently came up with the same progression, nor was it a secret. I would be willing to bet that neither of those videos is original in their observation. Pachabel was dead in 1706, you really think no one made that observation before that dude? Even though thousands of people have used that progression to create songs in the mean time?

I have serious doubts that pachabel didn't steal the progression too.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Didn't know where to put this one so I put it here. Enjoy, the blues sung like nobodies business by a kid.



Well-Known Member
Didn't know where to put this one so I put it here. Enjoy, the blues sung like nobodies business by a kid.

damn! That kid was good... once his voice gets a bit deeper and raspier he will give em a run for their money for sure..


Well-Known Member
[h=2]The guy in the wheelchair is Jeff Bauman. He lost both legs during the Boston Marathon bombings on April 15[/h]

[h=2]Here he is after his surgeries[/h]

[h=2]Doctors measured his range of hip and leg motion[/h]

[h=2]Bauman examining one of his new prosthetic legs for the first time.[/h]

[h=2]Hanging out with friends[/h]

[h=2]First steps! Congrats!!![/h]