first off bro i aint never nor can i neg rep anyone.. as far as u saying it was a pic of a underage girl i would like to know how much experience u have with a underage girl wrapped in red latex to be able to correctly identify one when u see one.. i ignored your original post sayin that it was a underage girl cause its most def not and didnt want to feed into your pedofilic tendencies.. so as far as the streeet thing goes big p u really r a internet tough guy huh.. im on the east coast ill meet u in philly. and here is the original source for that pic bro..Originally Posted by dgk4life![]()
"pic of gurl with breasts cut out"
Originally Posted by dgk4life![]()
"pic of gurl with breasts cut out"
Hey dgk4life did you just neg rep me calling me a dicksucker cuz I called you out for post ing pics of underage kids breasts in my thread!!!????
sombody did, and to them I say you are sad piece of human excrament, sad you have to prey on young gurls cuz any gurl with any sense wouldnt fuck with your dirty ass
if I saw you in the street you would run like the little bitch that you are
fucking coward next time post your name you yellow peice of shit so I know who to aim at
thanks at least someone is thinkin + repDKG isnt an elite. thoughts exactly. That girl is definately not 18.
I dont know what website he got that from, but he should definately be ashamed
This caused all ^ that? She looks 18 to me. It's not funny [the suit], it's just totally out there.
Well I could go into a story, but...Heheheh... "looks 18 to me!!" I'll bet prison is filled with ppl who said that in court.
DG4 ... yes, i know.![]()