Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member
should i be disturbed that i knew who he was before i even read the text?....it seems like it to me

Nah, everyone of a certain age knows who David Koresh was. I was 16 when Waco siege went off the rails and burned. I remember it vividly as the following summer I was a student at the Baylor Debate Camp in Waco and about half of us went out to take a look at the ruins. I'm not even remotely religious, in no small part because of the lunacy around the Branch Davidians. He was a psycho nut job of my youth and plastered all over the papers and dozens of documentaries aired on broadcast TV from 93 - 98. I can also pick out Marshall Applewhite from a lineup of pictures since I was in college when the Heaven's Gate cult offed themselves in the cheapest Nike shoes sold, I know I owned a pair at the time and was broke as piss.

My mom still freaks out any time she sees a picture of Charles Manson or Jim Jones. Each generation has their crazy ass messiah who killed a bunch of followers. It's completely human to recognize and remember a threatening face, especially once it's been plastered all over the media for a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
Nah, everyone of a certain age knows who David Koresh was. I was 16 when Waco siege went off the rails and burned. I remember it vividly as the following summer I was a student at the Baylor Debate Camp in Waco and about half of us went out to take a look at the ruins. I'm not even remotely religious, in no small part because of the lunacy around the Branch Davidians. He was a psycho nut job of my youth and plastered all over the papers and dozens of documentaries aired on broadcast TV from 93 - 98. I can also pick out Marshall Applewhite from a lineup of pictures since I was in college when the Heaven's Gate cult offed themselves in the cheapest Nike shoes sold, I know I owned a pair at the time and was broke as piss.

My mom still freaks out any time she sees a picture of Charles Manson or Jim Jones. Each generation has their crazy ass messiah who killed a bunch of followers. It's completely human to recognize and remember a threatening face, especially once it's been plastered all over the media for a few weeks.
Gotta remember, Charlie killed no one... He just suggested the facist pigs should die. The others took it from there.


Well-Known Member
Super glue... Stings a little... But so do stitches.
I've done hemostats holding the skin together and skin safe glue before in the field but if it's down into the tissue you gotta do some sewing. Our flight surgeon saw one of our guys trying to use super glue and put the stop to it. He recommended a brand of skin and tissue safe surgical glue, I don't have it handy, that works as well but is less toxic. I hate hospitals and live an hour away from the closest one by ambulance so if it's not another heart attack I'm pretty much dealing with it here lol.


Well-Known Member
I've done hemostats holding the skin together and skin safe glue before in the field but if it's down into the tissue you gotta do some sewing. Our flight surgeon saw one of our guys trying to use super glue and put the stop to it. He recommended a brand of skin and tissue safe surgical glue, I don't have it handy, that works as well but is less toxic. I hate hospitals and live an hour away from the closest one by ambulance so if it's not another heart attack I'm pretty much dealing with it here lol.
I used a glue like substance from our Cintas cabinet in the shop. It’s called liquid skin. Straight up crazy glue if you ask me, but very effective.