Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3239559]nice man, that shit tripped me out, but she did start spinning the other way[/QUOTE]
It's fake. It changes directions randomly.


Well-Known Member
It's fake. It changes directions randomly.
that's the power of belief. for a while i thot people were just fooling themselves into seeing her change directions.

then, when i saw it myself, i was sure that the picture itself must contain a random callout to switch directions. but, as FDD said, it's not fake. she is no more 'inclined' to spin in one direction than the other - the direction she is currently spinning is just what your brain has chosen, at this moment, to see.

blink your eyes quickly, but randomly, this will allow you to 're-interpret' the image, very shortly - she will switch directions for you. even knowing it can happen ... my mind feels like it is locked against allowing it to do so. the last time i did it took 60 seconds... you start to doubt it's even possible because of how hard it is to Not believe what you Believe you are seeing.

If ur still having a hell of a time ... just use your mouse wheel to quickly move the picture up and down (out of sight then back into sight) ... within a dozen times or so you will scroll up and see that she has magically changed directions. Take That, Mr. Brain !!


New Member
It has to do with finding out which side of your brain is dominant...the left or the right... or equal.

If you are very right brained, you will see it turn only one way, and cannot see it turning the opposite. Then it varies till you can only see it the opposite direction.


Well-Known Member
So am i just a retard because i cant get it to spin or even appear to be spinning the other direction or am i just really stoned


New Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3240307]damn, making feel like and idiot twice, i love this place :mrgreen:[/QUOTE]

just go back and look again and read what he says at the bottom with regards to blinking.
focus on the leg sticking out and then close your eyes for 2 seconds and look again.
it really does work.



Well-Known Member
lol wow, i kno its works, well i did before they said it was fake, then i came to find out that it was real,

follow the instruction from the OP who posted it, all you have to do is watch the shadow of her feet, cause it spins opposite of what your seeing.

Big P

Well-Known Member
its much easier to scroll so that you can only see her foot. then its easy to switch back and forth


Well-Known Member
So am i just a retard because i cant get it to spin or even appear to be spinning the other direction or am i just really stoned
actually, its kind of the opposite... the greater degree of focus you have... the more difficult it is for her to start spinning the other way.

with enough focus you could stare at her all day and she would never change directions. with less focus, half-heartedly watching out of the corner of your eye, you may notice that she changes directions every couple of seconds !!


Well-Known Member
The strawberry blonde is pretty hot!

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