Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS



What happens before the pic:
Guy taking the pic comments on how the skinny guy looks like a terrorist.
Buff guy says how if the skinny guy was indeed a terrorist, he would kick his ass. Then proceeded to take his shirt off, and for some reason, unzip his Wranglers and pull his little mushroomhead out and then crossed his arms like a boss.

What happens while the pic is being taken:
The skinny guy says, "Heeey, my puppy haz a beeger deek dan dat"
The blonds proceed to giggle while the brunette shushes them all, because the buff guy is her brother from out of town, and doesn't know anyone there.
Did we gain a LIKE button, only to lose the ability to copy/paste pics? Last couple days I am unable to do this from this thread
The power of math can be very artistic. There are so many hidden Julian sets in this video.
