High demand and the mills are short staffed because employees make more money with the stimulus un-employment and they don't have to work.I was in big box hw store near me yesterday, and they wanted $25 (USD) for a 2'x4' sheet of pressure treated 1/2" plywood. WTAF?
High demand and the mills are short staffed because employees make more money with the stimulus un-employment and they don't have to work.
smak!!! a cobra!!![video]<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/video]
why does the 2012 london olympics logo look like lisa simpson giving bart a blowjob
i got a bunch of those from when i went to america as a kid lol
Oh?i got a bunch of those from when i went to america as a kid lol