It's still standard practice in some places.
Mommy might need a longer straw.
And we LIKED IT!
Looks like an Apple IPad first generation.
Maybe Hoover had buck teeth?
You missed my wine tasting at last night chat! should have swung by for your beer tasting. How you doing?
I'm doing OK, hurts less and less every day. I'm still having to use a crutch to get around but it is getting easier to stand up without grunting at least. Just taking aspirins for pain now (and beer in the evenings). They will provide PT at home once I make it to 6 weeks if I want it. Had a nurse stop by and rebandage the incision and do a visual on it, she said it looks good. Going to see the Dr next Wed. for a two week follow up. My goal is to be able to walk without the crutch again and stand up straight and be tall again, lol.You missed my wine tasting at last night chat! should have swung by for your beer tasting. How you doing?