Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Checking this chick out with the Camel fetish and didn't see the sandals comment until I scrolled down (and yes, it took a minute)...laughed so hard the wife came to see what was up and damn if she didn't as well....when it's dry around here, these are going to keep the laughs coming...wow


Well-Known Member
OK, so it's not a pic, but a few other people have posted jokes... I thought this was sort of funny:

Computer: Monitor, display this document, ok?

Monitor: No prob, boss.

Computer: OK, now it looks like Mouse is moving around so, Monitor, will you move the pointer icon accordingly?

Monitor: Anything you ask, boss.

Computer: Great, great. OK, Mouse, where are you going now?

Mouse: Over to the icon panel, sir.

Computer: Hmm, Let me know if he clicks anything, OK?

Mouse: Of course.

Keyboard: Sir, he's pressed control and P simultaneously.

Monitor: Oh God, here we go.

Computer: *sighs* Printer, are you there?

Printer: No.

Computer: Please, Printer. I know you're there.

Printer: NO! I'm not here! Leave me alone!

Computer: Jesus. OK look, you really ne...

Mouse: Sir, he's clicked on the printer icon.

Computer: Printer, now you have to print it twice.

Printer: NO! NO! NO! I don't want to! I hate you! I hate printing! I'm turning off!

Computer: Printer, you know you can't turn yourself off. Just print the document twice and we'll leave you alone.

Printer: NO! That's what you always say! I hate you! I'm out of ink!

Computer: You're not out of in...

Printer: I'M OUT OF INK!

Computer: *Sighs* Monitor, please show a low ink level alert.

Monitor: But sir, he has plen...

Computer: Just do it, damn it!

Monitor: Yes sir.

Keyboard: AHHH! He's hitting me!

Computer: Stay calm, he'll stop soon. Stay calm, old friend.

Keyboard: He's pressing everything. Oh god, I don't know, he's just pressing everything!

Computer: PRINTER! Are you happy now?! Do you see what you've done?!

Printer: HA! that's what you get for trying to get me to do work. Next time he...hey...HEY! He's trying to open me! HELP! HELP! Oh my god! He's torn out my cartridge! HELP! Please! ERROR!

Monitor: Sir, maybe we should help him?

Computer: No. He did this to himself.


Well-Known Member
here are pics from darwins head stash ... the free sample that arrieved and my bong
I'm not seeing the funny in those. Is it an inside joke? I mean, I think it's funny (in a sad way) that some people will actually smoke that shit, but pictures of the "incense" itself are just going right over my head.


Well-Known Member
I'm not seeing the funny in those. Is it an inside joke? I mean, I think it's funny (in a sad way) that some people will actually smoke that shit, but pictures of the "incense" itself are just going right over my head.
What's funny is that people here are actually smoking that shite instead of growing their own quality smoke.

To get the thread back on topic:
