pk 13/14


Well-Known Member
the man in the hydro shop said i would need some p 13/14 for later on into flowering, when should i use?.
also when i do, would i still use my biobloom,at the same time,or just one or the other.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hi crazy mental, hows things going dude.

best to use PK13/14 in the fifth or sixth week of flowering depending on the strain - supposed to be used for six days feed in the third week before flowering. But this is no way written in stone, as it is quite common for people to give their plants an extra week or two under lights depending on how they are maturing and filling out. As you well know growers quoted flowering periods vary from plant ot plant and system to system.

Use at a strength of 1.5ml/l.

Yes continue to use your other feeds.


Well-Known Member
when you use pk boosters it's necessary to reduce your regular feed strengths. if you don't, you could very likely burn your plants.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info, guys.
so say a plant takes 10 weeks?.
feed as normal upto 6 weeks 12/12.
then use the pk 13/14 for 2 weeks.
then flush for 2 more weeks?.