Exactly dude, and I am deffinitely happy I chose to throw that auto seed in just to past the time. It really is worth it not bad for a freebie IMO. She is starting to show a little purpling this is prob a combonation of the low night temps, and from the plant maturing. Anyone not sold on the Smoke 'n Grow line of nutes should only look at what I'm getting out of this little Auto. I know I could have gotten her bigger if I would have done a few things different. Anyone out there here's some simple rules to followfrom what ive learned.
- If you can start out with a nice big pot, and plan on the pot you put the seed in as the final pot it will be in. I am space restricted as of now, so I just went for what I could get.
- also deffinitely start light with your feeding regimen, maybe even less than half reccomended strength.
- Raining on your auto plant is prob. the easiest and best thing you can do for your autos, this flushes your soil, and then feed after you notice the wicking process begin.
- I have also had good luck in making sure I have a 45% perlite consistency to my soil as well a little overboard, but for the raining technique this is almost essential.
- If you have small pots try making some air pruning pots this will maximize the plants use of your soil. This is going to be my next plan as well.
All in all I feel it has been a good experience with my autoflowering plant, I think every veg. chamber should have one
This update includes my two other plants my indica dominant SSH and my sativa dominant Hawaiian Snow. So far all is going well, I think my GreenHouse plants are going to be SCROGed this will be a first for me, and I have heard of great results from SSH being SCROGed, I may just clone the HS, and have a mini SOG with the SCOGed SSH. Hope enjoy my bud shots thanks for everyone thats following this.