Placenta Fertilizer

Reggaefarm Rasta

Active Member
This thread might be a little strange to some people. My wife and I just had a little girl. Irie Satya Pearce was born on 3/18/17. We decided to have a lotus birth which is when the umbilical chord is left in tact and the placenta is washed and salted with herbs and spices. The chord will let go from the belly button on its own a few days after birth. While studying the options of what to do with the organ I discovered that some people plant it with a tree because it has a high nutrient content and makes an excellent fertilizer. Being an organic cannabis farmer this got me thinking, hmmmmm..... After some more reading it seems that some people cook and dry their placenta, grind it into powder and make capsules to take internally like a medicine. This got me thinking, hmmmmmm...... fertilizer...... powder, plants. Sounds right to me. Although I won't be burying the placenta raw in my potted indoor plants like some do outdoors in their garden or under a tree I thought about drying, grinding into powder and mixing it into the soil of my next grow - green crack x mystery strain. Has anyone tried this and if so how did it work out? Does anyone know a rough estimate of what npk ratio this will achieve? Will it conflict with any nutes that come with new bags of soil ie worm castings or compost? Should I start with unfertilized soil because of the high nutrient content in the placenta and umbilical chord? Some people use placenta as medicine and some people use it as fertilizer so I thought it would be very special for my wife and I to use it as fertilizer to grow some good medicine. Thanks for reading, and answering. Let me know your thoughts and please no haters or negativity I know it could seem gross to some of you.
This thread might be a little strange to some people. My wife and I just had a little girl. Irie Satya Pearce was born on 3/18/17. We decided to have a lotus birth which is when the umbilical chord is left in tact and the placenta is washed and salted with herbs and spices. The chord will let go from the belly button on its own a few days after birth. While studying the options of what to do with the organ I discovered that some people plant it with a tree because it has a high nutrient content and makes an excellent fertilizer. Being an organic cannabis farmer this got me thinking, hmmmmm..... After some more reading it seems that some people cook and dry their placenta, grind it into powder and make capsules to take internally like a medicine. This got me thinking, hmmmmmm...... fertilizer...... powder, plants. Sounds right to me. Although I won't be burying the placenta raw in my potted indoor plants like some do outdoors in their garden or under a tree I thought about drying, grinding into powder and mixing it into the soil of my next grow - green crack x mystery strain. Has anyone tried this and if so how did it work out? Does anyone know a rough estimate of what npk ratio this will achieve? Will it conflict with any nutes that come with new bags of soil ie worm castings or compost? Should I start with unfertilized soil because of the high nutrient content in the placenta and umbilical chord? Some people use placenta as medicine and some people use it as fertilizer so I thought it would be very special for my wife and I to use it as fertilizer to grow some good medicine. Thanks for reading, and answering. Let me know your thoughts and please no haters or negativity I know it could seem gross to some of you.
admittedly I have a crinkled-eyebrow thing going on right now...
so i'd wager to say the NPK would be similar to blood meal?
but who knows for sure man, i'd be a lil concerned on how long it may take to be bioavailable, maybe throw it in your wormbin?
Again... crinkley-eyebrows...
i'm trying to type this with a straight face man..
i'm not throwing shade at you at all..
I guess bloodmeal is the closest common fert to placenta. I know there's a lot of people planting whole placentas under trees in their yard, I can't be the first one to think about trying it with ganja. Or am I just weird. I did use a dead friend's ashes to fertilize weed too once but that was her idea not mine. Anybody have any solid science on placenta growing or is just too out of the ordinary? Google turns up nothing on the topic.
Theres an old gardener's saying, "It Takesa little luck, and a lot of yuck." Haha, yeah I thought about the breast milk too but def not going to try that one. If my soil smells a bit like dried placenta jerky powder it's all good but I will avoid the smell and bacteria from rotting milk at all costs.
I would maybe compost it before you use it just to be safe?

Or bury it under what will be a future garden plot (bokoshi style).

Congratulations as well!
id burry it now through summer, dig it up in fall and dilute it into water and pour into your compost
Find a cool tree near a river or vista and bury it so you can come back someday with your child and tell them the connection. Just don't get caught on a CCTV with a shovel and a placenta......! That might look a bit strange and suspicious.
Hello! This is something I am just now looking at, as someone posed the question in a Facebook group I am in. Baby is almost 5 now, but congrats!! Beautiful name by the way. Did you end up adding the placenta to your cannabis plants? If so, how did that go? Looking forward to your reply!!