Places to look for Marijuana ?

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Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on where to look for marijuana in a corn field ? Would it be best to look near roads or in the middle of the field or at the back of the field ? Any help that would improve my chances of finding some would be appericiated .

Wow!! Did you even think about this one before you posted it??

And can we please get a Mod to change this dudes name to "BONEHEAD101"


Well-Known Member
Congratulations for wasting 5 pages on a piece of shit that is already on or something posting his message to piss off a new group of people.

durban poison

Well-Known Member
Fuck man!
Shit, send the Adam-boy over here to the UK, might not have a gun handy but, boy do I have a nice Hickory, pick-axe handle that makes nice 1st impressions...

Don't steal, just grow........and stop fucking off the serious members on here!!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Just imagine, all the time you spend looking for plants, it would just be easier to plant one.


Well-Known Member
funny that this post was started in january. i guarantee you he didn't find shit. and furthermore, canada or us, guns or no guns, i'd fuck the punk in the asshole with a 12 inch serrated knife if i caught him stealing my shit.


Well-Known Member
i dont see why you guys are being fags to him i grow my own and i still go in the woods lookign for dope why not go N find free weed!?


Well-Known Member
Taking a gardeners plants and stealing the bud from it is pretty much like taking a litter of puppies from someone who loves dogs and skinning them for their fur, it's just not right.


Well-Known Member
What the **** dont bother offering this guy advice I hope he does go out and find's someones crop and gets blasted, he desserves to get shot for just thinking that way people like that are the reason its so hard to get this legalized.


New Member
Yes the stealing plants is a shit thing to do I agree. However, I will also agree it is very unlikely that someone is gonna shoot you over it in Canada. Maybe in the US but not Canada.

US gun related homicides 2005 - 10,100
Canadian gun related homicides 2005- 222
(of which most are located in urban centers) 56 in Toronto with Vancouver and Montreal totalling just as many, so there would only be 110 left for the other 20,000,000 in Canada

And if you take into consideration US has 5x larger population, it would still only be 1998.

And since the gun registry, shotgun and rifle related homicides are plummeting in Canada.

Canada averages 60 drug related homicides each year, this would also include people who were on drugs while the act was committed, as well as deals gone bad, so I'm going lowball a guess that this takes care of 50.

That would leave an average of 10 people getting murdered by firearm per year...i'd say its unlikely

Or just divide 110/20,000,000= 0.0000055

Yes, stealing marijuana is a sad thing to do, but in Canada it would rarely constitute murder. We tend to speak loudly...and carry a little stick.
Wow, thanks for the facts... and welcome to rollitup. Canada sounds like a pretty safe country to live... are there any hot climate areas?
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