Placing marijuana plants at random in your city - Join us!


Active Member
A friend and I are planning on germinating & vegging plants 'til they're a decent size - and going out at night & placing them at random locations in our city. Marijuana is illegal here & that's the main reason for this idea. We want to know what will happen to an illegal marijuana plant that someone stumbles apon it, or doesn't. We figured there are about 20 locations - some frequently visited and some not at all - that this could easily be done in our city.. for instance, a field where a school use to stand with three - four houses surrounding it. We would go out every night or two and water them..

If the grass doesn't get cut, and there is a lot of sunlight, we're doin' it. I'd love it if more people would consider this - you can't get in trouble for doing something like this, unless you're a dumbass carrying a plant around town in the middle of the day. If nothing happens to the plant.. you got some weed on your hands! Hahahah

Stay positive


Well-Known Member dude. no, not a good idea. especially going back to water them. if multiple incedents of plants start popping up in the city the police might stake it out undercover to see if someone is maintaining them. if your gonna be stupid enough to do it plant them in areas where lots of other plants are growing naturally so at least you know its somewhat fertile and let nature take its course. dont go back to you 20 plants you plant around the city.

and remember stay away from public areas for kids like schools and playgrounds or punishment will be more strict.


Active Member
A friend and I are planning on germinating & vegging plants 'til they're a decent size - and going out at night & placing them at random locations in our city. Marijuana is illegal here & that's the main reason for this idea. We want to know what will happen to an illegal marijuana plant that someone stumbles apon it, or doesn't. We figured there are about 20 locations - some frequently visited and some not at all - that this could easily be done in our city.. for instance, a field where a school use to stand with three - four houses surrounding it. We would go out every night or two and water them..

If the grass doesn't get cut, and there is a lot of sunlight, we're doin' it. I'd love it if more people would consider this - you can't get in trouble for doing something like this, unless you're a dumbass carrying a plant around town in the middle of the day. If nothing happens to the plant.. you got some weed on your hands! Hahahah

Stay positive
Ever heard of a trail cam? Game wardens use them to catch poachers. They are camouflaged and are usually hidden in trees. Beware!


Well-Known Member
Dont go back to check on them at the same time every night or 2. Put duct tape on the bottom of your shoes so they can't get a print and put on some kind of ski mask or even a hat and keep your head down and you should be just fine. Only put one or 2 plants at each location.


Active Member
Haha some positive some negative.. I have Vans Zepato Del Barcos and there is absolutely nothing on the bottom of them so that's a plus >.<

I know other people have thought about this before. Kevin if you really are johnny potseedin around, you're my hero lol. A seed would be a lot easier than a veg'd plant too. You guys give some good advice, I'll keep it all in mind.. except the slap slap slap >.<



Well-Known Member
Haha some positive some negative.. I have Vans Zepato Del Barcos and there is absolutely nothing on the bottom of them so that's a plus >.<

I know other people have thought about this before. Kevin if you really are johnny potseedin around, you're my hero lol. A seed would be a lot easier than a veg'd plant too. You guys give some good advice, I'll keep it all in mind.. except the slap slap slap >.<

well SLAP SLAP SLAP should be the only thing you should be keeping in mind. good job telling them in advance on here who and how your going to/did it


Active Member
thats great...brings me back to my youth when we used to grow in city parks, the landscaper dude started looking after some of the plants,sadly he also got them b4 i could, after that all bets were off, we put them every where , evan in the legislative gardens, in my home town, ..they were found, it made the papers.


Well-Known Member
Wow hahaha. Why are you mad? Really? If someone wants to do something don't shit on 'em for having an idea. End of story
no im not mad at what your doing. just trying to keep you out of trouble like most of the other guys here. your going to be the one mad sitting in jail for planting plants around the city with your friends because you guys got high and thought it was a good idea. we all get some crazy ideas smoking the good but that dont mean we are going to go do it.

just gonna give the plant and its people more of a bad rep with your city/gov. believe me they wont like the fact that people are trying to grow MJ on THEIR land.


Active Member
My big fear about this is that someone with a camera or a street camera or even a traffic camera might get a shot of you, other than that.. be careful.
jus by cheap as seeds and plant them in the flower beds and let nature run its course, there is nothing worse then buying a good strain only to go look after it as it sits in the middle of the street for all to see and gaze at with delight. keep it for yourselves. plus if it does grow to full flower what is the plan then wait till dark and run down with a black bag and scissors. lol i say goo with the planting of the seeds just choose ones you dont care to see again then you dont lose