Plain Crash this morning (King Air 200)


Well-Known Member
Anyone from the LA area see or hear about this on the news this morning? Plane full of 6 people went down on takeoff and exploded into a ball of fire. 5 confirmed dead at the scene, 1 was taken to the Emergency.

Well... I sure saw and heard about it, CONSIDERING I WAS 200 FREAKIN' FEET AWAY FROM IT!

Before my camera finally turned on, the fireball was about 2/3 the way up the smoke. Fucking biggest explosion I've ever seen in my life. I thought we had an earthquake, look left out the window to what looks like a missile strike.

Here's a video from out other base on the field

This was the type of plane it was. King Air 200

I knew the pilot and co-pilot were gone for sure but didn't hear about any passengers on the plane until half hour after it went down. Confirmed 5 dead, and 1 survived which they rushed to the hospital. They said they couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl, but they had crawled out and away from the wreckage from what they saw.

Everyone on the airport knows the pilot and co-pilot seeing as they're based here, but the passengers were all local real estate guys. The plane was an utter piece of shit along with all the other aircrafts they own and operate. Was bound to happen, unfortunately.

Right engine failure, rotated left and slammed into the field off the main runway upon takeoff.

One hell of a day at work...
"What'd you do at work today?"

"Watched 5 people burn to death and black body bags get dragged away"

That's kind of what I was thinking. The most exciting thing that's happened to me at work in a week was my boss telling me I forgot to use Visine after a break.
Only other thing like this that's happened was a year ago, a Japanese student crashed a Cessna 152 into the DEA's MD500 helicopter :lol: Not in midair, the Cessna was taxiing and panicked and full throttled into a parked MD500

He was 1 inch to the left from death in his little seat in the cockpit. Lucky fucker.