Plan for 2011

Just wanted some input from some people as I am having problems choosing a spot, as well as having concerns on a few other aspects of my grow. This is a long post so bare with me..

First off, the location. I have narrowed it down to three places.
1. A cornfield. An easy walk away, and well covered with a fence and moderately large trees around the fence. The fence has a small bit broke down so you can carefully climb over. There is poison ivey on the path so unless someone really wants to get in there, they likely won't go. Some negatives are that it is just off of a somewhat major path. Also there is the fact that it is in a cornfield.. could be spotted by the farmer.

2. An small open patch in between the woods. This spot looks like it could be prime. However there are houses relatively nearby in all directions. It's out in the country, so I have a feeling kids go out there and play, or people go ATVing through there or something. It is also down a gravel road which will get my car dirty, and transporting through the thick woods will kind of be a pain in the ass.

3. An abandoned farm. It is right next to a small stream, however like spot 2 it is down a gravel and would make my car dirty. A major concern is the fact that it is around a mile away from the municipal airport, so it could be spotted by planes landing, although I don't think many would be looking for it.

I can always find another spot, but I think I'm leaning towards the cornfield cause that would be easiest since I wouldn't need a driver every time I went out there.

Question for growing in the cornfield. I'm planning on transplanting soil into the field to decrease the chances of the girls coming into contact with some poison. Do I give the plants nutes? or will that give them nute burn? I would plan on planting them around mid June since thats when they will be done spraying. Also it is off of a main path, so I'm not even sure if they are allowed to spray as there are usually 20+ people around there a night (not all at once, spread throughout dusk and evening).

I realize this is a lot to read, and I greatly appreciate anyone giving a response. I know if I saw this shit I would say fuck it and back out of the thread.


Active Member
Well first off what is the problem with getting your dirty. Man I hardly ever wash mine, but I might be a redneck. HaHa. Controlling variables of your grow op is essential, the more variables your control the least likley you will get busted. Growing on someone elses property is a big variable, all it takes is for somebody to walk in the wrong place and you are off to prison. I am not saying not to plant on somebodies elses property, but man you have to be so careful. Remember if they find it they will not destroy it they will call the cops and wait for you. I never worry about planes, when your flying a plane you cannot see close, unless you are banking real hard. Helicopters that is a different story. And remember tell no one not even your best friend. You can tell them when you have it harvested. Good Luck, Grow Happy and have fun.

#3 sounds best


I hate to be one of these people, but man if you aren't ready to get your car a little dirty or do something thats "a pain in the ass" then you may not be ready for guerilla growing.
Alright I have about 10 places picked out on google earth that I have to peep out that might work. three or four might be perfect.

As for getting my car dirty, I don't really give a fuck about that, but my dad always asks where I've been going on gravel roads and I hate having to lie...

Thanks for the help.


Alright I have about 10 places picked out on google earth that I have to peep out that might work. three or four might be perfect.

As for getting my car dirty, I don't really give a fuck about that, but my dad always asks where I've been going on gravel roads and I hate having to lie...

Thanks for the help.
Just make sure it's always dirty as fuck, so it doesn't look any different whether you go down dirt roads or not, lol.
Haha I never wash it but sometimes he makes me wash it.. Pain in the ass.

There is a stream right by my site. Is it okay to use that water? or will there be herbicides or other runoff in there from the farms?
Hey another question for whoever, Is there any way I can set up some sort of trap so I know if people are coming by or something?