Well-Known Member
you are a reason, weed is not allowed to become legal on a federal level. Damn you dumbBecome a demacrit.
you are a reason, weed is not allowed to become legal on a federal level. Damn you dumbBecome a demacrit.
Some People believe what they want. Facts are simply an obstacle. Fuck those people. They are not worth conversation.
Every one of these fuckers should be in prison and let planned parenthood get back to doing the good work they do.
yeah dumb people say dumb shit
Found to be? Do you have proof of it?I remenber back in the summer pro lifers here on RIU were calling for the heads of PP employees, now that 2 of them are found to be criminals, fraudsters will they be just as vociferous, vicious about their criminal convictions, I think not.
Sounds about right, when satan is the god of this world ... sigh
PP got caught with their pants down and now is trying to charge the activists with buying baby parts and... showing fake ids.
How is this conspiracy? They caught doctors and heads of PP talking about the sale of body parts and altering procedures to get intact heads.This should be moved to the Conspiracy Theory forum, since that's all this is anymore.
This should be moved to the Conspiracy Theory forum, since that's all this is anymore.
This should be moved to the Conspiracy Theory forum, since that's all this is anymore.
You act like that is solely a Republican trait. It is completely political. Left and right.I'm wondering if repetition is part of the deep rooting of a notion into fact.
Fox and the Benghazi commission haven't been shy as to their reasoning for their incessant repetition - the repetition solidifies and makes more tangible. I expect this has been used in wartime propaganda with some success.
If they didn't lie they wouldn't be in the business.
Reminds me of the use of "justification" to excuse rapists. The rape victim had it coming.
Wrong is right and right is wrong with libtards.