planning 1st dwc 600w grow... advice/opinions??


working with about 6-700 bucks.
so i'm gonna be in a 8'x10' metal shed. this is what i THINK i'd like to ideally run:

-diy dwc setup for as many plants as possible with allotted space
-600w light setup:
-i'm mostly gonna run the easy ryders

lemme know how i should set this thing up. i did like the thread about the 9x9 room but it was slightly vague. plz help with advice. i'm a newb.

i was wondering if i really need ventilation/odour control and what i should do about it if so. it's also far enough away that that neighbors won't hear anything from it. i'm also kinda worried about security as far as keeping it stealthy from the fuzz/helicopters?

and i do wanna insulate it with a layer of egg crates then thin plywood/particleboard for the walls and ceiling.

oh, and i'm in northwest florida if that helps.

Illegal Smile

I advise you to stop and do some more planning. First, the stealth kit is not worth the money. You can build a much better one for much less and it will have better components and design. And it's easy. Second, study what the temp and humidity will be in a metal shed from season to season and decide how you will keep temps in the 70s and humidity right for various growth stages.


Active Member
The biggest piece of advice I can give you is to take a good look at what your ventilation needs are, its the hardest part. What ever you think you need to vent the room, double it. Go with a bigger diameter blower all together. I run 6" blowers on my lights but 8" and up on my vents. Carbon filters are anther must if smell is an issue. The next thing is lights. You're really going to want to roll with 1k lights for flowering. I wouldn't EVER flower under anything but a 1K HPS (new technologies excluded). I ran a mixture of 600's and 1ks for years but everything about the buds under the 1k was always better so I finally switch them all out...well, the buds are denser and larger at least.


Well-Known Member
i made the mistake of starting my grow without fully planning it out. i regret it. nothing bad happened, but its a pain in the ass moving and doing shit when you have plants under the lights. I dont know where you are but if i gets cold in the fall and winter you should try to flower in those months. you will be able to get your lights closer. if i were you i would run 2x600w instead of the 1k for 2 reasons. 1k's are AMAZING but you are limited in the space. often times you have light diminished on the ouskirts of the room. 600's are more efficient so you can get more coverage and more light. Ventilation is key in a confined grow. This was my biggest mistake. I'm fine now but at one time it was a headache. BTW the best way to add heat if needed is to add more light. i've seen a lo of ppl grow in outdoors sheds and stuff and will add a 1k watt heater. DON'T. Get another light. Better buds and better temps. The best advice i can give is to kill as many birds w/ the least amoun of stones. just my 2 cents


Active Member
A 600 w will do just fine. In a metal shed those 1000 w will get really hot. You definitely need good ventilation. You might also want to start looking into power requirements. How will you get power to your shed? Are you going to run extension cords? IF so how many? How many watts total on that extension cord and what size breaker will it be on? Nothing worse than coming home and realizing that your lights, fans, pumps, ect ect..... have all been off all day because you tripped a breaker. Think it through and try to take everything into consideration. If you are worried about popo and helicopters than I would reconsider that shed and try and grow in your house. It will be easier to hide. And you don't want some neighbor kid smelling it and breaking in and steeling your shit so lock it down tight. Good luck.


Thanks a lot for all the feedback. I'm in northwest Florida and the shed is already wired with two 120v quad outlets. I'm planning on insulating it with a layer of cardboard egg crates attached to sheets of plywood and then screwed into the walls. I plan on starting with ten easy riders. Oh and the shed is also under a canopy of trees