Planning for next grow...ScrOG...soil...autoflower...t5......advice/corrections/


Well-Known Member

bare with me i will try to keep it to the basics but include all the info

tent.............. 4x4x6.8
light...............HO t5 2ft 8 bulb 16000 lumens.....i have 10000k 6400k 3000k
medium........... 5 gallon air bags....soil is fox farms ocean forrest 3 gal and 2 gal of Black gold......10%perlite added
strain.............Advanced Seeds BioDiesel Mass.....i have confirmed u can ScrOG autos if the flowering period is later i have others that are 14 weeks
ScrOG............3'x3' mason line spacing 3inch looped netting so holes can be opened wider or made smaller (hung and weighted 1lb 4 sides)
seeding........... seed in jiffy plug .....jiffy plug into final grow pot........started and cut from that pot

i need help on the height i should set the netting at .............the strain gets to 50 cm to 100cm with this mix of soil it should hit the 100 in the end (i was able to get my frist to ad size)

ok i am going to set 2 plants down in 5 gallon bags start them off with the t5 on 4 bulbs for 1 week move it up 6 inches and turn on the last 4 the 2nd week ...................let it go for 5 days to 1 week and then top the plants and go 5 days and set the netting up to train them

my light is 24x24 the netting is 36x36.....this leaves me with 6 inches on all sides not directly under the light but according to the notes the light in those 6 inches is still useable ....................i am going to hang the light and then set the screen under it both on ratching ropes if need to move up i can ............this should give me 1 meter sqaured for each plant (if they gow into it before flowering )

please know once i can make something with extra i can part with it and get a better light system so please do not bash me ..................if there is anything i am missing or u think i should know please share............... if there is reading out there that covers areas that could apply to me please share...........thanks for the help i will pass what i learn on to others


Well-Known Member
140 veiws and nothing ..................i must have correct or your u all think i am a cop or something .............please know i am no popo and if i was i would be one of the stoner friendly ones ........shut up dump it out and go home (had to make u dump it for the camrea or lose my job) ...........or be like officer vinnce just pinch some out and tell u go home (dirtiest cop i ever met fucked a 14 year at this party i was at) he is now the 3rd cop in my area .......the second top cop i sell his father bud it how i advioded aresst for 11 years he tells me if my name goes up on the charts


Active Member
you're thinking this too much also ........... is annoying

try to get a 400w mh bulb for veg and 600w hps for flower, you can buy one of those digital ballasts that does both and that you can set the wattage, easy to find

don,t use autos if you can avoid it, use a regular feminized seed, that's my advice

you can do anything but if you have weak genetics and crappy lighting it's going to be bleh


Well-Known Member
weak gentics the thc in the strain is 17% pest or mold problems and a output of 300 grams to meter squared ....are u snow capping your bowls i lay off it for awhile it is crack

never can think to much ....remove the varibles and get a good plant something goes wrong it is much easier to figure it out and then adviod it the next time ........hence this


Active Member
suit yourself dude, you seem to be a pro

you don't need anyones help

good luck with your CFL's and your autoflowering strains


Well-Known Member
not CFL...........HO T5 2000 lumens per bulb 8 bulbs 16000 lumens ( i know i need more it would be better around 30000 to 40000) but this is what i have to work with unless someone out there wantsto pay pal me say 200 bucks for about 6 weeks make 10 % back with a 2 month repay ( i like to eat more then every other day hence the 2 months pay back )

i like to get a HO T5 4ft 8 bulb and use the 2ft as a side light .........4 ft tubes put out 5000 lumens each plus they sell UVA (note UV light does inpact resin glands ) i moved one outside in a hiddien from eye spot gets 8 hours direct sun 2 week into flowering i see them forming already the tent i did not see untill 3rd week and i added in 2 10,000k bulbs


I grow 3 auto lemon haze with an 8 bulb t5 and got 5 oz DRY a little over 15 wet. In my book that's pretty good. And it only took 56 days from seed. That's about how long it takes a photo just to flower. So you can almost do 2 auto grows in the time it takes to do 1 photo grow.


Well-Known Member
I agree it can work. Not all polyhybrids express flowering at the same age. Screen low, train till onset.