Planning Larger Grow/Perpetual


New Member
Hey everyone, I have done smaller grows for quite some time now in soil and coco. Just finished a 5 plant grow. I would like top grow on a larger scale now as I have the room to do so. I was looking into aero/hyrdo but,decided it would be best to stick to soil or coco as I am familiar with it, it is cheaper for me, and it will be easier to SCROG.

I have a 6x5 room I would like to use for flowering and a 5x5 tent I would like to use as a veg room.

I was looking into aero systems i.e cloners, vegers, flower racks.

Would set-up be different when going perpetual soil or coco coir? The second room (5x5) is actually 8.5' x 6.5' but, I figured I needed space for a cloner do I?

My goal is to get 2 LBS every 2 weeks (GOAL, right now I would like things to go as smoothly as possible)

Any input is appreciated. If more info is needed I am happy to provide it.

Edit: I would prefer not to keep a mother.


Well-Known Member
jesus, 4 pounds a month?? you supplying a neighborhood? lol

joking aside, aero is way cheaper to setup and usually better when systems are home-made. the main difference from doing aero or a medium like coco/aoil is you will have alot of media to dispose of over time. might be a bit overwhelming going from soil n coco to an all aero perp setup though.

why no mother? much easier to keep one.... even if you clone clones over time the plants will degrade. best to keep a mother as long as possible.


New Member
jesus, 4 pounds a month?? you supplying a neighborhood? lol

joking aside, aero is way cheaper to setup and usually better when systems are home-made. the main difference from doing aero or a medium like coco/aoil is you will have alot of media to dispose of over time. might be a bit overwhelming going from soil n coco to an all aero perp setup though.

why no mother? much easier to keep one.... even if you clone clones over time the plants will degrade. best to keep a mother as long as possible.

LOL... I am in Cali. I now quite few dispensary owners and the quality has been dropping in certain locations. Figure. I would give it a shot.

Yeah, I thought of that with coco I can at least reuse it a few times. Overwhelming is right, I was looking at plans and was having a tough time reading them. That and having to then worry about everything running smoothly like the pumps etc. seems like a hassle. If power goes out or pumps fail :cry:. I work from home so watering is not an issue.

I have read the cloning clones makes no difference. If it does I have no issue starting again after a while maybe changing strains.

I just prefer to take clones before flowering.

My questions are more in regard to set-up.


Well-Known Member
dont mind me, just another jealous asshole who's state is far behind yours in that regard :p

did you look at this sticky?

i only did one aero run and it was using a prefab aeroflo.... this guy seems to have quite a nice design for his systems and they could be altered easily to scale the op up or down. thats the way i'd go for sure.

hopefully a seasoned aero grower will step in and do more than supply links lol



Well-Known Member
There's nothing special about low pressure Aero. Its pretty decent for sog.......but Stinkbuds sucks in my opinion. I Ran it for a few grows. The concept is cool, only using 2" netcups for entire grow, but It has many short comings. I'm sure I'll get flamed for saying that. I know Stink has so many followers but look at the facts, look at the pics, did you ever see anything impressive? Wheres the beef? Look at a Heath Robinson grows, FREAKING amazing. Plus Heath doesn't whine about not making enough money about selling some bs pdf recommending some bs nute formula with crappy builds specs /end rant

You can do many amazing things with coco and scrog.

5x5 flower, 4 lb a month ........keep dreaming kid

- Jiji


Well-Known Member
lol wow. certainly entitled to your own opinion but i dig the setup.... could give a fuck bout the nutrients lol


Well-Known Member
You will need around 6x 1000w hps to achieve the results you want. Asuming you are a decent grower and can hit .5 gram per watt you will still need around 6000watts or more of ligthts not to mention air conditioning and fan... too much electric unless you have a much bigger space.

realistically in a 5x5 space would have a difficult time handling over 2000 watts... you could probably get 1 lb per month if you do everything very well given the space you have


Well-Known Member
Mehhh.. I have hopes he can pull maybe 2 per month after getting everything dialed in. I think I've seen more being pulled from scrog in a similar area. I think.

Either way, I'm curious. :P