Planning my first grow. A few questions.

Okay so we had a minor infraction. Plant 1 actually came afloat when I watered them today. I guess he just wasn't planted well to begin with, but I put him back in the ground and made sure he had a solid seat. So he's a little behind. But plant 2 kicked it off nicely!

Yup, now you get to play the waiting game. But at least you can live vicariously through other peoples grow journals while yours is working on it.

Welcome to the club. :hump:
Also, I'm still doing 24/0. At what point should I switch to 18/6 do you think?

Also, I don't have a timer right now since I'm doing 24/0. But I most definitely plan to get a timer.
yeah they sprouted, i would do the 18/6, but that's just me. they gotta sleep sometime lol.. what about that timer dude?
Smell isn't really an issue, I live with two friends in our own place. I decided it was only fair to let them know what was going on, plus we're all regular smokers. Also, I've seen people use windshield reflectors for covering the walls. Is this actually a good reflector. If not, where the hell can I find mylar lol? I also plan to use PC fans, 80mm. I would imagine two should be enough, an intake and an exhaust. If I'm wrong though, tell me, lol.

This is what I would do... exhaust hot air out the back of the box and pull cool air in through the front door, being slightly ajar because you make it this way with something you can place in between door and frame. It doesn't need to be ajar much, just enough to let the fans pull air in through the small gap and push it out the back. I would go with a set of good 120mm PC fans - at least 40cfm per fan. go to for those. Masscool or Vantec makes decent fans. you need ventilation not just to move air out but also to feed the plants... plants need a constant source of fresh air to carry on. As far as the light; get you a DIY light socket from the hardware store, mount it in the top of the box, get a "high wattage" compact fluoro, If this is not enough then get two light sockets and mount them the ditance apart you plants will sit on the bottom. They make compact fluoros that emluate sunlight, look for these. Use quality soil, not crap soil. You can get prefertilized or straight organic soil. its your choice. prefert lets you just water the plants and not worry about nutes. Organic soil will require you to mix fert with water and do measurements, etc. I'd go the easy route and use a miracle grow mix of some kind with perlite included
Plant 2 is looking good still. Hasn't shown much progress though.


But Plant 1 looks like hell. ): Anyone have an idea of what might be wrong?

it could be:

lights to close
to hot
to cold
bad air
bad soil
your using nutes to early (should wait 2 weeks)
or it could just be a mutant seed.

i would give it some hydrogen peroxide. it will kill any bacteria in the soil and it will give the soil some oxygen (look this up, totally safe)

give us the details. anything and everything.
i had one that did this, the virgin leaves were stiff as a board so i delicatly pulled trimmed them off. stunted the growth a bit but after that it was fine. just wait for the first set of serated leaves to be big enough to replace the missing virgin leaves
I had a plant do this exact same thing, give it time. Don't give up on it, I almost gave up on my runt and it's doing wonderfully now. And DON'T fuck with the cotyledons, the tips may look burned or whatever but the plant still needs those as it's main source of nutrients for a while. Don't go cutting them off, they'll fall off on their own eventually.

I didn't do anything special, just kept watering with normal water and loved it unconditionally and look at it today.

Give it time. :hump:


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    Recovery (2).jpg
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Okay, details:

I'm using three 6500K Daylight CFL's. They are about three or four inches above my plants (picture below). I am using StaGreen flower and vegetable planting mix. No extra nutrients, just plain old water. My box stays between 75 and 80 degrees, and an average of 40% humidity. I have an extra water cup in alongside my plants to help keep the humidity up.

Sounds perfectly solid. A little more humidity in there wouldn't hurt, but it's not essential.

Just keep doing what you're doing and resist the noobie urge to fuck with stuff.

I know, it's hard. :hump:
Haha, this is true. But I've made sure to resist the urge. I'm just hoping he pulls through, I don't like wasting money! :P