Planning out first grow, help appreciated :)


Okay so I am planning on growing my first plant when I go back home after finishing university for the summer (1st June) , I have asked my parents and they said I can. I will be growing in my shed in the garden using CFL lights as I cannot use too much electricity.

I have already purchased:
-1x 85w CFL blue spectrum
-1x 85w CFL red spectrum
-1x 80mm computer fan
-Digital temp + humidity meter
-5x feminized Lemon skunk seeds (free)

I am not short on space, how many plants would give me the greatest yield for this amount of lighting? I am willing to buy one more 85w bulb but no more than that.

How big a grow box do you recommend?
What soil?
What fertilizer?

The main issue I can see is that my shed gets very hot on sunny days unless all the windows/ doors are open, which I cannot leave open as there is lots of valuable stuff in there. It also gets very cold at night during cold weather (probably not a problem during summer).

I thought a solution would be build the grow box out of celotex insulation ,which I already have laying around (google image if you don't know what this is). Also have the intake to the box a hose coming from outside, would a regular garden hose be wide enough? would this keep the box cool enough? The shed itself can get to 100 Fahrenheit in the hottest part of the summer.

Thanks for any help :)

p.s. The shed gets very smoky about 2-3 times a week with people toking up, will this affect the plant?

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
OK ,so I will start by saying I know money is shot but for your space I would be looking at a 400YIELDS watt or 600 watt setup and the electricity cost should not be much more than the fluorescent (you can get a whole setup for $175-$250). I use Happy Frog soil (Black Gold is also very good). I use all the Fox Farm ferts. Ask away!

I am currently growing a Super Lemon Skunk Haze from a clone and it looks incredible with great yields. Careful smokin your plants out!