Plant 51 days old but not much side branching

They look good , a lovely strain that never grown it only smoked it , this is my first grow and I had them on 250w for 10 days then upped it to 400w and they reallly took off I had them on 24 hour light too as there autos but I think I stressed them too much as one has hermied out the 4 and suspect another one has also so 2 out of 5 heart breaking lol D9945E2F-6D32-4888-AAA5-19A325260D50.jpeg
These 1st 2 are US companies that sell DIY kits as well as finished products

Mars (also Spider Farmer) is a decent Chinese import with US warehousing and support that's been around for a while. Your space is challenging because it's under 24" wide and that's the minimum width most fixtures are designed for. The SP150 is 23" lon, but if you mount it diagonally is would fit fine
Ebay is still good mate just try do a bit of research first or ask on here for help or opinions people on here are really nice and 95% of time you get help