So i'm on my first grow, using 180w of cfls mixed 6500k/2700k spectrum. I was wondering if a plant 3 weeks old that is about 8 inches tall seems right? the nodes seem close together almost as if the lights were to close. i was wondering if there was a way to stretch the plant a little now that the stem is nice and thick and the alternating nodes are starting to be wider then it is tall. I raised the bulbs up to about 3-4" above the plant to try and help it stretch just wondering if theres anything else that can be done. Also so far i've only used soil that's 21-7-14 and water. I'm starting to read about fertilizers but if i do fert. i want it to be organic. is fertilizer important to the plant or will water and light maintain its nutrients for 2-3 months? shes a beautiful dark green with nice thick leaves, will try and post pic if i can find a way to upload, also wondering on beer and molasses, read a the article on beer fertilizer and molasses. wondering if those 2 organic fertilizers alone would be sufficient for my one little soil plant