Plant and Fertilizer, Need Help


So i'm on my first grow, using 180w of cfls mixed 6500k/2700k spectrum. I was wondering if a plant 3 weeks old that is about 8 inches tall seems right? the nodes seem close together almost as if the lights were to close. i was wondering if there was a way to stretch the plant a little now that the stem is nice and thick and the alternating nodes are starting to be wider then it is tall. I raised the bulbs up to about 3-4" above the plant to try and help it stretch just wondering if theres anything else that can be done. Also so far i've only used soil that's 21-7-14 and water. I'm starting to read about fertilizers but if i do fert. i want it to be organic. is fertilizer important to the plant or will water and light maintain its nutrients for 2-3 months? shes a beautiful dark green with nice thick leaves, will try and post pic if i can find a way to upload, also wondering on beer and molasses, read a the article on beer fertilizer and molasses. wondering if those 2 organic fertilizers alone would be sufficient for my one little soil plant


Well-Known Member
Just stick with normal ferts. Fuck mixing beer with piss and a hair from the nuts of a goat.

If its green any growing then you dnt need ferts yet. When growth slows or the plant loses its green then ferts are needed.

Read about lsting. Just bend the top down so the side branches grow. You want the nodes real close on the stock.


Well-Known Member
I dont understand why you would want to stretch your plant, its one thing we try to avoid. The closer the nodes the bigger and better the buds can get, provided all needs are catered for. You will probably find that over the next month or however long you intend to veg for it will naturally start to stretch and then youll be fighting to keep it stocky. Keep those lights nice and close and your onto a winner my friend!

As far as nutes go keep an eye on the colour of the leaves, dark green is perfect, when they start to lighten up a bit gradually introduce your nutes. I do 1/4, 1/2, then full recomended dose over a couple of weeks, obviosly still keeping an eye on leaf colour.

Peace and good luck!

Sir Psycho Sexy

Well-Known Member
Just my 2 cents... ive tried organic and synthetic fertilizers and to be honest I couldn't see or taste much difference.

Synthetic fertilizers are measurable and water soluble so you can distribute them evenly through the soil. If you want that in an organic fert it will cost you a shit ton of money. In my opinion a decent synthetic fertilizer works better and costs less. If you know what your doing the taste of the bud wont suffer either.

also dont stretch your plant keep it short. especially if you're using flourescents. read about topping and LST. I would recommend topping for where you're at