Plant are ready to be cut! Is it true that i should leave them 3 days no light?


Well like the title says it im ready to cut my plant to let them dry. Before i do so, i once read that if i leave them in the dark without light for 3 days they would go in survival mode and the thc would go up to its maximum and then cut them.

Is that true or should i just cut the now ?

What would u guys suggest?



Well-Known Member
3 days is quite a bit, it can only get so high before the thc level is maxed out. I do 24 hr or 36 hr dark period before harvest.(so for 24hr i just keep the light off for 12 more hours after the normal dark period. for 36hr i keep it off 24hrs after the normal dark period.)


perfect so ill give them 24 hours of dark and then ill cut them. How long do you useally let them dry for? should i trim them before drying them?
yeah, you should trim b4 drying, i personally trim as soon as i take them of the plant, then all you have to do when dry is trim the stalks off
yeah, if you try and trim them when they are dry you will find it very hard and a pain in the arse, it will take you twice as long. I cut a stalk at a time off the main plant and trim all the leaves off that contain no crystals,pull all fan leaves off by hand. If you do this, then when the buds are dry all you have to do is, trim the buds from the stalks, EASY, job done. as for drying, it depends where and how you are drying?


Im growing in a tent so ill just hang them inside of it in the dark for a few day. I have like 19 plants so ill show u my nice grow
the humidity might be quite high while they are drying in the tent, so it might take maybe 6 or 7 days to dry properly, i might be wrong tho as i have never used a tent, mine is usually dry in about 3 to 4 days max, that is just hung in a room with a fan on to disturb the air, if i need to dry faster then i put my dehumidifier on and it works a treat removing all moisture from the room.


Well-Known Member
perfect so ill give them 24 hours of dark and then ill cut them. How long do you useally let them dry for? should i trim them before drying them?
until the outside feels fairly dry but the inner stems dont snap but bend is where i start curing. Takes me about 3-4 days to dry. Make sure you regularly burp the jars at first. I've tried waiting till after it dryed to trim and its really just a big headache in my opinion.imo it works alot better to trim and then dry. I save everything but non-trichome coated fan leaves, which i allow to dry for a day or two and then crumple them up and put into my cats used litter im throwing away when i change their box. Imo they add alot more plant material into your butter or hash, much it doesnt pay to keep them for butter or hash. Just ends up lowering the quality.


Well-Known Member
it will be fine to dry in your tent most likely. You just need to make sure you've got very good airflow. How high is your humidity during lights off currently?


Well-Known Member
Make sure to save some of the real coated leaves when trimming, to get some of that sugary-shake! :D Or even make a little hash from it. You'll thank me later. :P