Plant bent almost in half over night

I have 2 plants flowering, they have been in 12/12 for almost 2 weeks now. Including the pots they are in the one is about 5 feet tall and the other one is about 4 feet tall. Overnight the tall one went from standing straight up to bending sideways a lot and the top was bending up toward the light.

I straightened it out by pulling it the other way and over the past few days it's fixed itself and is standing up again. Then yesterday I went in and the shorter one was doing the same thing. That one was worse and so I tied it loosely to the other one so that they would help each other stay straight.

It's not that it was too heavy to support itself so I'm just wondering why they did that. It looked like they were growing away from the light and I held my hand under the light just at the top of the plants and it seemed fine. I've looked it up and all I've seen is plants growing toward the light. Could it be they were trying to get light to the leaves on the bottom? I don't currently have enough light to put under them so the leaves on the bottom keep dying and I pull them off. Which, I might add, has led to some excellent new growth. I know I need more light for the under side but I just can't get it yet. I just built 2 small rooms out of 2x4s and black tarp and added a light for the separate veg room so I can't spend anymore just yet.

Hopefully someone has an answer for this because it really freaked me out to walk in to my flowering room and have my plant growing sideways. Thanks. Also I don't have pics because I fixed the problem before I even thought of taking a pic.
I watered them right after that happened to the second one. Do you think under watering could be causing it? I've been scared to water too much because it's so easy to over water. Plus I'm using MG soil which releases nutes everytime you water and I don't want to cause nute burn. But I will keep a better eye on it from now on.

I just wish I had though about getting a pic because it was so weird looking. The plant was growing straight out to the side but the top of the plant had started growing up toward the light again so that when I stood the plant up the top was actually sideways. Weird.


Well-Known Member
Well if the leaves also appered droopy/wilty then it was most definatley under watering. If not I'm not exactly sure. Maybe it was LSTing itself! Lol
The majority of the leaves are fine, very perky, it's just the very bottom leaves that are dying. I believe that's because they aren't getting any light but I could be wrong.
Anyone else have any input on what could be causing this or does everyone agree that they were just under watered? Keep in mind that the leaves were not wilty, they looked fine. With the obvious exception of the very bottom ones I mentioned.


Active Member
if your plant perked up after the watering. in like 30 minutes to an hour, it was underwatered. if it doesn't perk up, it's something else.


Well-Known Member
Becuase its flowering and the bottom is underdeveloped it will tend to topple over due to all the weight at the top, and will get worse. Dont tie to each other, put some thin stakes in or tie to a point up high in the room with string.
It's was only in week 2 of flowering so there weren't any buds on it so there was no extra weight. Plus the stem is pretty sturdy on both of them. They have straightened themselves out for the most part but I'm still just wondering why they did it. My first though was that the stem couldn't support the weight but it's supported it for 2 months now with no problems and the bud hasn't even started to grow yet. So I feel like there has to be some other underlying reason that they would do it. The only thing I can think of is it was trying to get light to the lower leaves, but that seems a bit unlikely. But thanks for everyones input :)
These are the plants I'm referring to. This is them before starting flowering and they still look exactly the same (except a little taller) The taller one is Sativa dom and I'm pretty sure it's either Sugarpunch or Shackzilla (I got them mixed up as I was transplanting) And the shorter one is Bermese Kush I believe, it was one of the free seeds from Sannies Seeds.



Well-Known Member
Are they feminized? What kind of medium are you growing in? How much and how often do you water?

Pretty sure it's from underwatering, but if you answer these questions I could tell for sure.