Plant broke

I’m in day 23 of flower and One of my fans fell on my plant over night. Should I keep what I can or just toss it out? Will it cause to much stress to keep
My ex-boyfriend tripped and fell into my tent once, the bastard. One main stem and several branches snapped. If they're broken beyond repair, the leaves will very quickly become limp and lifeless, otherwise they can be held back together. Soldier on I say. ;-)
I probably wouldnt use super glue as its not necessary for plant wounds, but there is very little difference between super glue and surgical/wound glue.
I had a doctor tell me once when I sliced my finger open pretty bad that if I ever got a similar cut that wasnt bad enough for stitches that I could just super glue it shut on my own and id be fine. I super glued my friends face once when she busted herself in the eyebrow. Didnt even have a scar.
But I have snapped main stems off to the point that they were just hanging on by threads.. stood them back up and taped the break up with electrical tape and supported the branch. Made a big ugly knot at the break but the plant was fine.