Plant BURN!!!


Hi I need some advice plz!!!

Today I came to check my beatuiful plant and to my surprise the cfl's fell of and burnt some of my leafs... Now she has several toasted brown leafs and some yellow ones... What can I do!? Im new at this and dont want her to die! (ps: she is in veg)


Thanks for the reply! Ok... I'll let her be... It just worries me that the smaller growing leafs were the ones that got burned the most.
Besides this, do you know why the lower leafs turn yellow? they changed from very dark green to yeallow in a weekend


I have her on a pc grow box for the veg part of the process, she is about 1 month and 7 days. She is not very tall but to me she seems to be healthy, well used to be now she is burnt!!! : (
you probably would want to add more nutrient to the plant becuz she is probably hungry but if size is a big thing for you i would recommend you to move it to flower soon jus my 2cents :]


I've been thinking the same thing... right now I've been using a spray fertilizer that has: organic nitrogen 3000 p.p.m, phosphorus 1250 p.p.m potassium 4500 p.p.m Calcium 1250 p.p.m Magnesium 775 p.p.m Boron 6 p.p.m.

I've been doing some LST on her, I don't want her to grow really big but will be satisfied with a yield of at least an half an onze.
I meassured her and is not more than 10 cm tall


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking the same thing... right now I've been using a spray fertilizer that has: organic nitrogen 3000 p.p.m, phosphorus 1250 p.p.m potassium 4500 p.p.m Calcium 1250 p.p.m Magnesium 775 p.p.m Boron 6 p.p.m.

I've been doing some LST on her, I don't want her to grow really big but will be satisfied with a yield of at least an half an onze.
I meassured her and is not more than 10 cm tall
The amount of nutirents you are feeding this 5 week old plant will eventually kill it, sooner not later. Your plant needs water at the roots so it can eat and drink from them. During veg it usually isn't necessary to feed them huge blasts of food because nutirents for young plants should be gradually introduced to the root zone. With as much as they are getting are you sure its the light that burnt them?


The amount of nutirents you are feeding this 5 week old plant will eventually kill it, sooner not later. Your plant needs water at the roots so it can eat and drink from them. During veg it usually isn't necessary to feed them huge blasts of food because nutirents for young plants should be gradually introduced to the root zone. With as much as they are getting are you sure its the light that burnt them?
I am only feeding her once a week, spray a little on the leafs and some more in the soil. I didn't use good soil so I think she really needs some food. In this case I'm sure it was the lights because today in the morning when I opened the grow box to see her the lights fell on top of the plant who knows at what time during the night and burned the smaller leafs as well as a couple of big ones. In your opinion I shouldn't be giving her any food???


Well-Known Member
It is okay for them to have food at this age, but not as much. Thye really should be utilizing their roots. If you straight folier feed to avoid the soil the roots cannot mature and grow. Underdeveloped root systems can cause the plant delays that are not recognizable right now, but may show up later in deminished bud development. These plants like to work, especially their roots and they will be lazy if you don't make the plant use em.

If they are showing signs of a deficiency at this time, like nitrogen, feed them 1/3 dose of veg/grow nutirents through the soil and the roots. Also, if you are sure your soil is not quality and is having a negative effect on the plants, then I reccomend transplanting to healthy soil. At this age it will never hurt to switch things up. GL