Plant Concerns


Active Member
Can anyone tell me what the plant is trying to tell me?
The one on the right is growing up in a V now???
Cant find any info about a plant growing like this.A little over a week.jpg
They are a little over a week old now. Oddly enough it goes Oldest --> Youngest


Active Member
They are Sitting about an inch and a half away from the lights.
6 Lights, 2x 6500, 2x 5000, 2x 2700. Trying to give it the spectrum.
They are in Peat Moss cubes and are watered without nutrients.


Active Member
Took your advice. transplanted @ 11 Days into these.Transplant @ 12 Days.jpg
The Best growing one looks like this at day 14.13 Days Old Weird.jpg
Weird formation. Im guessing i have done something wrong?!?


Active Member
Ah, yeah. haven't paid much attention to that. Whats the allowable temp drop?
or better yet.
What temps should i shoot for?