Plant Count Violations Colorado

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Colorado Medical Marijuana Cultivation . Where can I find the list of fines and penalties for growing more plants than I'm allowed (plant count offense penalties)? I know I've seen it around here somewhere.
Thanks genius but that doesn't apply to medical plant count violations. Don't be daft. Of course I Googled. Spent hours trying to find what I found previously.
Colorado Medical Marijuana Cultivation . Where can I find the list of fines and penalties for growing more plants than I'm allowed (plant count offense penalties)? I know I've seen it around here somewhere.
Laws vary from county to county. Technically if you are 1 plant more than you are 'allowed' by law (not doctor) is a class 4 felony. Some places have said no more than 12 plants period, regardless of medical exemptions, and other places have allowed for more. You should try to see what the local ordinance is in the county where you are or plan to be.


There is no penalty in Colorado for persons who privately cultivate up to 6 marijuana plants, with no more than 3 being mature.


  • Colo. Const. Art. XVIII, Section 16(3) Web Search
The cultivation of 6 plants or fewer is a level 1 drug misdemeanor punishable by 6-18 months imprisonment as well as a fine between $500-$5,000, if not at least 21 years of age.

The cultivation of more than 6 but not more than 30 plants is a level 4 drug felony punishable by 6 months - 2 imprisonment as well as a fine between $1,000-$100,000.

The cultivation of more than 30 plants is a level 3 drug felony punishable by 2-6 years imprisonment as well as a fine between $2,000-$500,000.


Has anybody ever told you it detracts from your credibility when you type at a third grade level there genius? Good luck with your attention to detail. Fuck off dick.
Thus emphasizing my point. Thanks for that.

In addition to your polished grammar, syntax, and attention to detail; you also has a strong aptitude for following directions. Noted. You're obviously killing it.
blah blah blah. no chicks here to impress pussy. just us guys. now put your dick away, i'm not into dudes. and yes, lol i am killing it, but you'd never know because my ego doesn't require that. put all that effort you are putting into messages to me into not being a pretentious self-absorbed prick. you'll live longer.
Your ego doesn't require you to mouth off like an idiot, saying all kinds of random shit that point to you being gay with a little dick? Sounds like it.
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