Plant cupping/cannoeing


So I have recently ran into a problem with transpiration on my week old Northern Lights. Being the noob I am I have done nothing but research on this subject. From what I read is that to much transpiration can be from Heat or a fan blowing to much on plant.
The leaves on the week on Northern lights are cupping upward, I have taken the fan of them which I had on then from day1!!!! (LIKE A DAMN MORON) I feel awfull & stupid. Trial & error I guess, They have been growing SUPER slow with the fan on them as well. I just never even knew. I was wondering how long this cupping could take to pass & growth rate pick up to a normal rate. I know its not heat stress as well I keep that monitored I never see over 82F & i'm also useing a 150w hps so it is not really all to warm.
Having a fan blowing gently on your seedlings is a good thing, it strengthens them and wards off damping off. Having hurricane on them is another matter. So if your fan was just blowing gently it may not be the issue.

Also, seedlings don't grow much at all in the first two weeks. Most of your growth is below the soil in the root zone. Real growth starts in week 3 when they begin the veg phase.

How far away is your light? An 82 degree canopy temp from a 150W light sounds like you may be too close. Any pics?
IMG_20140703_172949_932.jpg IMG_20140703_173014_514.jpg
I tried my best with my Droid Razr cause that is all I have atm to take pics with.


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Looks okay in pic 1 but I see what you mean in pic 2. I'd probably want a little more space between them and the light until they get a little bigger. I'd probably take it up 6 inches and then lower it back to current space when they are vegging proper.

I really don't think that mini fan is the issue unless it was right on top of them. Maybe clip it 2-3 feet away and have it blowing across the top of them.

I'm not so sure about your soil, is that just plain topsoil?
Its schults organic soil or something like that. I just recently put the fan blowing on the bulb the way it is right now. I had it cliped to a wall blowing directly on both of them making them swing back & forth. The light is about 10" away from anopy at the moment, So I should raise it to about 15-16" till more veg growth procs?
I thank you for taking the time to try & help me as well. Its means a lot for a noob like me, trust me thank you :)
OH I FORGOT I had the ac air at 64-66F with the closet door opened & the fan blowing that air on them for the 4-5days as well. So I'm sure it was dry as hell air idk but that might add to the problem as well.
Yeah, I'd go at least 16", maybe 24" just to give them a break. Seedlings are pretty sensitive so you don't want to go full bore on them with anything.

Don't know the brand of soil. Only mentioned it because their is no perlite visible so it may not be the best draining stuff. If you take stuff like that and add an equal amount of coir, perlite, and earthworm castings, you get good nutes, good aeration, and good water retention.
Do You know of a good soil with that already added in by anychance? I am making a soil run in a few days so I was just asking.
Do You know of a good soil with that already added in by anychance? I am making a soil run in a few days so I was just asking.

I've used Fox Farms Ocean Forrest and Roots Organics and like them both just fine straight from the bag. They aren't the best for starting seedlings in because they are a little too hot. But they are great for transplanting into. Lots of other good brands out there, I just can't say I've used them.

You could try to take them out of those pots and get them into some party cups with holes on bottom. Transplant at about 3 weeks of age after that. Sort of a tricky maneuver so may not be worth it if you think the Schults is better than it looks. You could just make notes to improve soil for next grow.