Plant Dead in 2 days?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.

This is my first post but I've been snooping around the forums for few months now.

This is my first grow ever. Everything was fine until now. I am in 5th week of flowering and all of the sudden for the past 2 days one of my plants just decided to die? I was kinda low on water and was due for a flush which I performed today.

I am using 1000 HPS light.
About 900 PPM
6.0 PH

Really don't know what happened to my plant because all the other ones are completely fine.
Also, 7 days ago I made a huge mistake by trimming the shit out of my plants but I think they are recovered ok so far.

Please advice.

Thank you!!!



Well-Known Member
Also, should I just throw it away in case it will transport its disease to the other plants? Or it can recover since I flushed it with fresh nutrients and water?


Well-Known Member
Where are all the big fan leaves?
^ i lol'ed when i seen the first pics.... this is the problem.

removing more than 20% of the plant will stress it majorly, and stop growth for at least 2 weeks... removing 35%+ will probably kill it....


Well-Known Member
did u check the buckets? i had 4 plants dead within 4 days due to root rot up high in the hydroton and by the rapid rooters i had used to germinate them. algie was an issue and then the dreaded black slime set in and it was over. never recovered. all 4 dead within 4 days before i could even do anything about it. it was hard to notice and spot till it was just too late. but in all honesty it could be becuz u hacked all the fan leaves off. lol. yes noob mistake.


Well-Known Member
those roots arent looking very awesome dude. :( are they really slimy in the dark spots compared to the rest of the root system? were they root bound in a smaller bucket before u transfered them?


Well-Known Member
those roots arent looking very awesome dude. :( are they really slimy in the dark spots compared to the rest of the root system? were they root bound in a smaller bucket before u transfered them?
Sorry, whats Root Bound?
They were in bucket all the time.


New Member
d00d br0 iz ok joo learn from miztakes only trim lower leafz keep spraying it with sooper thrive maybe it comez bak to life peace


Well-Known Member
I thought is was a root system prob and when you put the pics up that confirmed it. Roots have to be white bro ,not brown and slimy, expect all the plants to go this way unless you get some hydrogen peroxide at 35% grade(80:1) or 50% grade(100:1) and add to water every 4 days to clean that toxic soup you got there.


Well-Known Member
not good
wash the roots first and change the water so
flush only
They u can rescue some plants do it asap


Well-Known Member
I thought is was a root system prob and when you put the pics up that confirmed it. Roots have to be white bro ,not brown and slimy, expect all the plants to go this way unless you get some hydrogen peroxide at 35% grade(80:1) or 50% grade(100:1) and add to water every 4 days to clean that toxic soup you got there.
Is it ok to mix hydrogen peroxide with other nutrients? since I just flushed my system...

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
I hate to sound rude here, but why do so many people trying to learn to grow jump straight into complicated systems like deep water culture or ebb and flow systems? Who is reccomending this to them? The plant is difficult to grow already without throwing an added difficulty of a more complex system. Is it that they say -"yeah, ive heard its harder, but I.m pretty good at things so I think I can do it..." Again, sorry to be rude. But if you are inexperienced, why arent you doing a soil or soiless grow, surely someone told you this is more complicated...or were you listening to the car salesman down at the hydro shop? Sorry to see your crop fucked like that though, that genuinely blows the fat one


Well-Known Member
I hate to sound rude here, but why do so many people trying to learn to grow jump straight into complicated systems like deep water culture or ebb and flow systems? Who is reccomending this to them? The plant is difficult to grow already without throwing an added difficulty of a more complex system. Is it that they say -"yeah, ive heard its harder, but I.m pretty good at things so I think I can do it..." Again, sorry to be rude. But if you are inexperienced, why arent you doing a soil or soiless grow, surely someone told you this is more complicated...or were you listening to the car salesman down at the hydro shop? Sorry to see your crop fucked like that though, that genuinely blows the fat one
I know exactly what you saying... I thought I could handle it. I mean so far its not bad for 1st grow.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
I know exactly what you saying... I thought I could handle it. I mean so far its not bad for 1st grow.
You're deffinately right, especially for using that system. To get them to live that long in that system your first time at bat is pretty good in my oppinion. Maybe for your next one try half soil half promix, much more forgiving, less complicated, and you can most deffinately get killer product that way. Remember, the more complicated the system DOES NOT mean more chronic buds. No matter what the system is, the only way to get killer buds is to grow well, no technilogical advance or peice of equipment can compensate for growing something well. I know people who have been growing indoor for 15 years for a living, and all they do is promix and a three part series.... And the buds are STILL something I look at as a goal in my own growing. The chron diggities