plant deficiencies


Well-Known Member
my ice plant is developing curly leaves at the leaf tips. the tips are curling down towards the ground and all are in a distinct claw shape. as if the are trying hard to grab the nutrients needed. what does this characteristic usually mean, if anyone knows.
And also, there is slight purpling on the new leaves, i know it is not due to cold nights as i have a heater on during the night. What else might it be?
thanks for any responses.


Well-Known Member
how much do you water that plant??? sound at the first like heavy over-watering to me:-|

the purple is from the cold nights, common discolouration with cannabis, and it won't harm your baby;)


Well-Known Member
i dont water it that much and when i do it gets a nice amount which lasts the whole day. the other get similar amounts in comparison to size, but they are all showing healthy growth . the other one is still healthy, but is there any other things it could be apart from over watering????


Well-Known Member
it could but that is hard to tell without seeing the plant/leaves on a pic, its a real guessing game then for everyone here, so make a pic and post it here;)

but first back to the watering because it is the most common reason for this. how big are your pots you grow in, what soil do you use/ mix whatever, do those pots got all good drainage?? if those pots lack big enough drain holes it would solve already the mystery. i had that too. soil on top looks dried up but below its swelling from water which can't drain and the roots drown and rot away on you.


Active Member
i have a question, my leaves are turnind pale yellow and are curling upwards. But the veins are still dark green. Could this be something caused by the light or would it be a nutrient problem


Well-Known Member
pale yellow all over? that now sounds like nutes lock up due to too low pH... but curling up... shit that i only know from to high humidity, when the plant can't sweat anymore and it is getting to hot all round...

never seen those together, so what is the temp and humidity in your grow and what was the pH last time you checked and what is it now?

HEY GUYS, without pics it is damn hard to figure out what is wrong. ALSO DO SOME READING, THERE ARE GAZIALLION POST ABOUT THOSE THINGS!


Active Member
here are some pics of them, its not that I am a first time gorwer. its just that I have never ran into a problem that looks this severe. so all help would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
here are some pics of them, its not that I am a first time gorwer. its just that I have never ran into a problem that looks this severe. so all help would be greatly appreciated.
that looks more like nutes lock up due to pH... did you fertilize a lot reasoned and do you keep track of the pH of the fluids you put in, also the soil pH?

if not, do it now, and as first aid for your plant flush it with demi water for a few times and then let it dry up.

it could also be some serious case of root-rot by the way:-? but you state that you don't water extensively and you got proper drainage, or?


Well-Known Member
Do you ph test all you liquids before adding to your plant? What ferts do you use and at what strengths? What is the temp of your grow area? What kind of light do you have? How far is it from your plants? What is the humidity? Do you have fans? What do you have for venting? Do you spray regularly?


Active Member
i have a 1000 watt HPS with one big fan sucking the air out and one medium one blowing in new air. U am using Flora nova grow and bloom fert. and I have it in a 3 gallon pot. the thing is that as soon as i transfered the plant from different lights the the HPS thats when the problem started. thats why I asked if it had something to do with the light. Please give me further info that will help me save my baby girl. Thanks ---Menace also one thing you mentioned demi water what is that?


Well-Known Member
You want more info to save your baby girl? I need more info too from you. So I reposting. I need you to answer these questions.

Do you ph test all you liquids before adding to your plant? What ferts do you use and at what strengths? What is the temp of your grow area? What kind of light do you have? How far is it from your plants? What is the humidity? Do you have fans? What do you have for venting? Do you spray for bugs regularly? ____________


Active Member
thanks for everyones help, the dieing leaves have all fallen except the selected few and the new under growth is coming in strong. it seems the plant is back in the swing of things and should be better in a week or two. looking foward to putting new pics up for everyone to see.



Active Member
alsom last grow i recieved a seed that when it was grown the male flowers were a amazing deep violety color. and I saved the pollen, and if I was to cross the two by using that pollen on this female. would I get seeds of plants that would contain the purple gene from the male and the big size of the female. Cross bredding and develpoing my own strain has always been a big intrest of mine. So if anyone out there has any help i would greatly appreciate it.



Active Member
quick question where it says my name it has stranger twice. when does this change? Also how well does adding night crawlers to the soil of my crop help?