Plant distance from light

Hi guys, just curious, I have two seeds which just sprouted in my jiffy pellets, I transplanted to planters and put them in my grow tent. I have a small dr40 secret jardin tent.
my light is a 180 prow grow led.
my questions is, how close should the light be to the plant when it is just a seedling?
thanks a lot,



Well-Known Member
Hi guys, just curious, I have two seeds which just sprouted in my jiffy pellets, I transplanted to planters and put them in my grow tent. I have a small dr40 secret jardin tent.
my light is a 180 prow grow led.
my questions is, how close should the light be to the plant when it is just a seedling?
thanks a lot,

38" during veg and at least 18" during bloom. anything less and you'll bleach your plants


Active Member
Well...I have to disagree with the bleaching part..I keep my 400 mh 12 inches during veg and 600 hps about 6 inches during flower. I have heard of bleaching but it hasn't happened to me. I generally go with temps. But plants don't need nearly as much light during veg so you would be fine leaving them further away. As far as light intensity goes...Inverse square law.


Active Member
38" during veg and at least 18" during bloom. anything less and you'll bleach your plants
Disagree. It depends what kind of light he is using. U can't just throw numbers out there at him. You want to get the light as close as possible without burning the tops. For floros u will want them very close I'm talkin 2" to 4" inces away because the light isn't as intense with floros. If your using a metal halide u will want it further between 8"-16" inches away. Keep a fan blowing on the tops to move that radiated heat.


Active Member
A seedling Does Not need A Lot of light , im not sure how much light intensity your led has but seedlings are easy to fry... Put your hand under the light and put the seedlings far enough as when your hand over them you feel no heat..

Good Luck...


Active Member
Well...I have to disagree with the bleaching part..I keep my 400 mh 12 inches during veg and 600 hps about 6 inches during flower. I have heard of bleaching but it hasn't happened to me. I generally go with temps. But plants don't need nearly as much light during veg so you would be fine leaving them further away. As far as light intensity goes...Inverse square law.
I'm with u on this one bro anymore then that and it's wasted light. Ventilation is key! I have my 600 6 inces away aswell. And my floros stay 2" above the tops.


Active Member
A seedling Does Not need A Lot of light , im not sure how much light intensity your led has but seedlings are easy to fry... Put your hand under the light and put the seedlings far enough as when your hand over them you feel no heat..

Good Luck...

Leds frying plants? Haha only if its actually touching.
Ok so what do you think then? Right now the light is about 12", that should be fine right?
i had a 90 watt UFO for a longtime and used that for seedlings and veg, this is now a 180 so I just want to be safe.
any opinions would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
You may want to read this thread where I got similar advice. 12" is probably too close. I had my 240w (130w actual) that close and closer and plants were fine, but they weren't stretching.... at all. I'm all for tight nodes, but you gotta have some vertical growth if you want a yield lol. My light is at 24" now and they are starting to get some height. But opinions on the subject will vary from 12" to 36".... Personally, I think it's just something you've got to experiment with...


Well-Known Member
i dont use mine from seed so cant help you there

getting bleaching at around the 12 inch so 18 seems better , the further away and the better spread of light and hence lack of bleaching , too far and the plants dont get enough light ... catch 22


Well-Known Member
As close as you can without damaging the plants. Duh. Having a fan blowing across the tops will allow you to get closer.


Well-Known Member
It really all depends on the light. My little A51-60 can be real close while the "432"w HTG needs some distance or it will start looking like puppy lips lol

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I like how you ask a question about a piticular led light and you get answers for hps and floro. I just purchased the same lamp and I am looking for answers as well. Looks like no less than 12". What are you growing in, just curious
Hey commander, only 1 plant in a secret jardin dr40. This is my second grow. I have a glow panel 45 which i might just use for the seedling stage but once veg hits, introduce the 180