Plant Droopage & Brown Spots


Active Member
First Timer here.

One of my plants seems to have lost its strength... Appears droopy almost as if it's shriveling up; and brown spots are beginning to appear on one of the leaves.

I have two plants, 2 and half weeks old (Indica Sativa blend - Northern Lights x Juicy Fruit x Skunk), that have been undergoing the exact same treatment. They've been getting nothing but natural sunlight and distilled water. I water the soil almost everyday... just as long as the soil isn't dry...damp to the touch. They pretty much get 8-12 hrs of sunlight a day. But, for the last week, it's been pretty cloudy with minimal amounts of sun. I've also been taking them outside "climatizing them" in the last week. Bringing them outside for 4-8 hours a day, depending on how sunny or cloudy it is. Oh, and the temperature has been fluctuating, there's been a bit of cold spell within the week, temps going well below 10 degrees at times.

??? is it salvagable?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance for any feedback. Peace.


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Well-Known Member
HELP HELP WE'RE DROWNING that is what you would hear your plants screaming every day before you water. Let 'em dry out a bit, also what is your waters ph i know distilled water is something like 6.2 and what is the ph of your soil


Well-Known Member
only 8 hrs of light? they need more like 18 hrs of light.. and 10 degrees wow thats cold... thats why there growing so slow man... are you keeping them in the sun then under floros or cfls? or just 8 - 12hrs?


Active Member
Thanks for getting back to me guys. I haven't checked the pH levels of my water nor the soil yet... I think I'll go out and get the pH measuring tool thing today...

The soil I'm using is; Miracle-Gro Premium Moisture Control Potting Mix Enriched with Plant Food.
0.18 - 0.10 - 0.10


Well-Known Member
Thats true, they need more light, but it looks mainly like overwatering. You said you did it every day, but ny know you know that is too much. I suggest waiting until at least a half inch, maybe a little more, up to an inch, is pretty dry to the touch. if you can stick the tip of your finger into the soil up to the first knuckle. if you feel moisture, that means the roots have plenty of water. keep in mind that they need a little O2 oxygen, and it can only get in via the roots


Your plants need LIGHT!!! Even if for now it is under a 150 watt CFL. And to make their stems stronger I just sit a fan by mine as soon as they sprout and they learn to battle the wind and become strong. I also keep my room temp at 75F until July and then put them out in the sun and bring them in at night. Good luck, this is only my third time, not an expert.