Plant drooping 6 weeks into flowering

my plant is drooping fairly heavilly and im stumped on what to do, this began after the plants undergone a stressfull week of unavoidably being moved into bin bags for periods of up to a few hours for security reasons. during this time the light scheduale had to be changed from 9am till 9pm too 12am to 12pm . i hoped that now after being in a stable enviroment for 3 days they would recouver but no improvment is happening i have posted some pics below and any help would be greatly appritieted in healing it, i am also growing another in the same area which underwnt the same stress and it seems to be ok despite some burns from the light it has had for a few weeks.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Leaves curling parallel to the mid rib like that is often from watering and/or heat issues. Heat usually causes the curling more on top of the plant and overwatering usually causes it towards the bottom first.
Thanks for the help so far, been laying off the feeding and they have been well ventalated and in a stable enviroment for 1 week today, some slight improvements but nothing mayjor, anything else i could be missing?


hmm, its definitely weird that it hasn't showed any signs of improvement by now. Hopefully someone can identify the problem soon, it may mean that your flowering period will need to be extended by an extra week. However i'm no expert!