Plant Dying After Transplant - Need Suggestions


Transplanted her out of coco over a week ago into the hydroton. Two leaves have already fallen off and dyed. Leaves are wilting and forming a bit of a "V" shape.

When I transplanted her in, I added a little bit of nutes and ph'd the water. She started growing some roots from just above the hydroton where I could see but those eventually shriveled up(I didnt adjust the light source, which is A51 LED).

I noticed a bit of nutrient burn on the edge of the leaves so I dumped the mixture and went straight water. This is where is where I currently am. Stuck between straight water or now adding light nutes and ph the solution. Also want to point out that the hydroton around the plants stock stays dry. Should I be dumping water around the stock to keep the roots moist?

Thanks for any help in advance


harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Nutrient issues - too much - to fix flush and add a root stimulator to plant. You "burnt" the by giving it nutrients, should wait for nutrient feed for a week - It will bounce back; learned something new this grow; it all adds up (knowledge) !!!! (sorry flush for 1 week) (rot stimulator ,thru out your grow


Well-Known Member
not sure about nute burn. hard to see fromt he pics, but did it start on just the tips? if so, nute burn.

is it in dwc? are the roots dangling in the water yet?
what ppm's did you feed? and what nutes?

Silky T

Well-Known Member
Nutrient issues - too much - to fix flush and add a root stimulator to plant. You "burnt" the by giving it nutrients, should wait for nutrient feed for a week - It will bounce back; learned something new this grow; it all adds up (knowledge) !!!! (sorry flush for 1 week) (rot stimulator ,thru out your grow
Root stimulator thru out your grow? Oh, this is for hydro. Nevermind. Well, still, I thought you only used that once when transplanting but none after that. Do you put some in the nutes you feed your girls in soil?


Purchased GH RapidStart root stimulator. Ph'd my water to 5.3-5.5 and using straight water and 5ml of the RapidStart per 2 gallons.

We'll see how this goes. How much longer should I wait before I start nutes again? I don't want her dying on me.
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Well-Known Member
I'm a soil grower so don't take this as gospel, but if I were seeing that with any of my plants I'd be thinking Mg and K deficiency . . . . . what's been fed all ready?

Are you at the same PH in the clay plebs as you were in the Coco?

The necrosis, we need to decide if it's lock out of a deficiency, dependent on what's been fed already, no?

In hydro, shouldn't a plant that size be on a constant supply of a balanced feed at about 0.7 to 0.9 EC / 5.6 to 5.8ph??

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Root stimulator thru out your grow? Oh, this is for hydro. Nevermind. Well, still, I thought you only used that once when transplanting but none after that. Do you put some in the nutes you feed your girls in soil?
When using root stimulator use with just plain water no nutrients

Silky T

Well-Known Member
When using root stimulator use with just plain water no nutrients
I'm still a little confused. What do you use root stimulator for throughout the grow? Since this is not something new to you because that's what you do, but as a noob, I really can't figure out how you do this. I have a somewhat personal reason for asking. My plants, when I transplant them, seem to have a smaller root system than I thought they should. Maybe I need to do what you do, huh?


Well-Known Member
I would say it looks like a cal-mag deficiency combined with a nitrogen deficiency. What PPM are you at with nutes and what is the PH? There could be a few things causing the problem but more specifics are needed to narrow it down. The best thing to guard against transplant shock IMO is a kelp, fulvic, hummic blend. I use it with every watering in hydro and would never go without it after seeing the results. I also use it for germinating and cloning. It does much more than protect against shock. There are countless benefits. Root growth is insane. I used it on a 4 month old mother that never seen it before and it started growing new roots above the old roots in 7 days. I was very impressed. I'm not so sure this plant is in shock. Personally I think it may just be a coincidence that this problem crept up at the same time as transplant but cant say for sure without knowing your parameters.
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harris hawk

Well-Known Member
I'm still a little confused. What do you use root stimulator for throughout the grow? Since this is not something new to you because that's what you do, but as a noob, I really can't figure out how you do this. I have a somewhat personal reason for asking. My plants, when I transplant them, seem to have a smaller root system than I thought they should. Maybe I need to do what you do, huh?
Ues in Germination Stage, Seedling Stage, Vegation Stage and not in preflower stage but 1st week of flower - consider using 1 x per week ; many suggest more bnut it tske time for the "root stimlator" to work (make spider roots, ect) Also use when transplanting - a must; need to build the "root ball"

Silky T

Well-Known Member
Ues in Germination Stage, Seedling Stage, Vegation Stage and not in preflower stage but 1st week of flower - consider using 1 x per week ; many suggest more bnut it tske time for the "root stimlator" to work (make spider roots, ect) Also use when transplanting - a must; need to build the "root ball"
So, when you transplant, you shake all the soil (see you are in hydro soooo) off, dip in root stimulator and then plant? I've only used the root stim once when planting the seedling in soil from it's starter soil. Thanks I'll remember that next grow.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
So, when you transplant, you shake all the soil (see you are in hydro soooo) off, dip in root stimulator and then plant? I've only used the root stim once when planting the seedling in soil from it's starter soil. Thanks I'll remember that next grow.
You got it - you will see improvements with your plant size, ect - glad you might give it a try - one can't overdose a plant with a root stimulator - just make sure it contains "mychrrohiza". When transplant inn soil dust bottom of transplant hole and then make a water solution and water (a dry stimulator (great white, ect)) If seedling can dip in powder or use a gell

Silky T

Well-Known Member
You got it - you will see improvements with your plant size, ect - glad you might give it a try - one can't overdose a plant with a root stimulator - just make sure it contains "mychrrohiza". When transplant inn soil dust bottom of transplant hole and then make a water solution and water (a dry stimulator (great white, ect)) If seedling can dip in powder or use a gell
mychrrohiza - let me look. Nope, it's got indole - 3-butryric or something- damned print is so small. It's just a "rooting hormone" is that the same thing? Thanks!

Silky T

Well-Known Member
You got it - you will see improvements with your plant size, ect - glad you might give it a try - one can't overdose a plant with a root stimulator - just make sure it contains "mychrrohiza". When transplant inn soil dust bottom of transplant hole and then make a water solution and water (a dry stimulator (great white, ect)) If seedling can dip in powder or use a gell
"one can't overdose a plant with a root stimulator" this is a good thing-- for me!

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
mychrrohiza - let me look. Nope, it's got indole - 3-butryric or something- damned print is so small. It's just a "rooting hormone" is that the same thing? Thanks!
No - what I mentioned is a "fungi" that promotes growth (organic) there are chemical one's watch out to not over-do it with the chemicals


Well-Known Member
I'm throwing this out there as I haven't seen anyone else mention this but have you tested your runoff Ozone25? You might be dealing with a lockout issue here. Your original post about PH for your water is the same as what I fed my soilless grow 5.3-5.5 and I ended up with an acidic medium and my plants look very similar. Check your runoff before you do anything else. I just had to run 4gal through each pot last night to get my PH back to 5.8-6.


Well-Known Member
I'm throwing this out there as I haven't seen anyone else mention this but have you tested your runoff Ozone25? You might be dealing with a lockout issue here. Your original post about PH for your water is the same as what I fed my soilless grow 5.3-5.5 and I ended up with an acidic medium and my plants look very similar. Check your runoff before you do anything else. I just had to run 4gal through each pot last night to get my PH back to 5.8-6.
I'm a soil grower so don't take this as gospel, but if I were seeing that with any of my plants I'd be thinking Mg and K deficiency . . . . . what's been fed all ready?

Are you at the same PH in the clay plebs as you were in the Coco?

The necrosis, we need to decide if it's lock out OR a deficiency, dependent on what's been fed already, no?

In hydro, shouldn't a plant that size be on a constant supply of a balanced feed at about 0.7 to 0.9 EC / 5.6 to 5.8ph??




I'm throwing this out there as I haven't seen anyone else mention this but have you tested your runoff Ozone25? You might be dealing with a lockout issue here. Your original post about PH for your water is the same as what I fed my soilless grow 5.3-5.5 and I ended up with an acidic medium and my plants look very similar. Check your runoff before you do anything else. I just had to run 4gal through each pot last night to get my PH back to 5.8-6.
Thanks for the help. I have checked the pH of the runoff each day and it maintains in the 5.7 +/- .1 range. I have started adding a low amount of nutes(ex. 3ml of Floranova for the 2 gallons) and she seems to have stopped dying which is the good thing. Just have to wait for some progress before she gets over this rather traumatic transplant.

I think what happened was after the transplant she went into a bit of a shock. Two major sets of leaves literally fell off within an hour of the transplant. Since she got a burned by the nutes I think the root stimulator may have helped in increasing root mass.

Next time I will watch that I keep my ph'd constantly monitored and not to put too many nutes in for such a young plant after a transplant. I think it was all a bit much for her all at once.

Thanks everyone for the input. I'll post back if she doesn't improve.