Plant Dying After Transplant - Need Suggestions


Sorry for bumping the thread but nothing has changed since I added the rooting hormone and added some nutrients. She still hasn't grown or even moved. She seems stunted. There is a green slim growing over the hydroton but from what i've read it shouldn't hurt the plant.

I added an extra 5ml of FloraNova Bloom to the mix, as I have had success using that with plants from start to finish. Maybe that is my problem? I also keep topping off the water and I am constantly monitoring the ph.

Also this grow is my 2nd in this hydroton. I did rinse it off before I started the transplant but maybe it's stunted because of salt buildup?

I also noticed roots were growing, but then they've changed from a nice ivory white to a yellow.

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Your ph is too low 5.8 to 6.2 is your target it can drift between those numbers but not above or below it. Hydro right?DWC?
I keep it around 5.8 and its hydro I think. Recirculating with a drip ring.

I added a bit more information to the end of my last post about salt build up an issues with roots.

Still stumped. I will try and full on flush with water to see if its a salt issue.


Well-Known Member
check the water temps. I found this chart you might need to add a supplement. you should change your water out every four days and check the bucket for slimy crap.
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Active Member
your water temp should be 7 degrees less than ambient temp. but a thermometer takes the guess out. your not making photosynthesis, or your plant is in repair mode. you know there is a base line of nutrients that auto level the ph. This is why I like DWC over hydro. I change instant change any condition or defienecy just by dumping the bucket. also , check your air pump. that maybe a bit low on volume. good luck. your in veg stage n emergency just fix it.


Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers on here.

Unfortunately my plant hasn't started to recover. Twice now I have noticed she was growing new white roots and starting to try and recover. Each time those white roots sort of shirk and die. They turn a golden brown colour and look as if they have root rot.

I have since transplanted her out of the hydroton and back into her original coco coir(no new root growth and all roots seemed to be infected). I will try to just grow her in coco for this grow and take another crack at the GH Hydrofarm another time.

I will also be looking to buying some hydroguard for my next grow. Thanks to everyone who helped out.
