plant dying HELP PLEASE im a noob


I was growing my plant outdoors for a month and a half until I decided to indoor it a bit while workers were fixing things aroudn the house, and today I outdoored it and everythign was looking fine until in a matter of 2 hours my plant is suddenly looking like this:

It noticed the tips of the leaves were also getting burnt and I was using a fan too, therefore moved it out afterwards, but it suddenly turned like this.

Please help me asap, I cant lose this plant its female and my first one.



Active Member
This is what happens it looks like it overdosed. did you just transplant it into new soil? have you fed it in the last 24 hrs?


Well-Known Member
What's the difference in your indoor temps to the outside temps? Maybe try putting in a place where it doesn't get direct sunlight for the first cpl days to let it adjust.
Yeah the light outside is much stronger (outdoor) and the temps much higher, should I have it indoor with light from the windows?
Whats the survival rate? I put it in a shaded area where it receives a bit of light on the leaves which are looking fine. Does that sound good?....


Well-Known Member
Whats the survival rate? I put it in a shaded area where it receives a bit of light
Not good plants dont grow very well in the shade. Reduce feeding.


looks like transplant shock with nute burn. if you watered at the time of transplant, and the plant is in less lit enviroment than before its metabolism and water uptke was higher. its probable over watered too. let the soil dry out and then give ph adjusted water for the first 3-6 days untill the plant recovers from the nut burn. get all those excess ferts out and slowly feed back to usuall growth rates. also get a straw or stick and prop up the top so its straight. the plant will have an easier time transporting fluids durring this very obvious time of stress. look into some B-1 and that will be a fix all most of the time. feed B-1 or kelp extract 3-4 days prior to transplanting to reduce or eliminate shock.
How do i get rid of the nute burn, my tips have gotten more burnt, but Im just watering every 2 days when the top soils dried up; Also some leafs are looking kind of deformed..

How do I fix this?