Plant Dying NEED HELP!!


Active Member
The leaves are brown on the inner part by the veins, also there are brownish orange dots on the leaves?It starts from the veins out, old leaves are effected first then moves to new growth.The leaves also dry up and die. This is my four week in flowering. Don't know whats going on its gotten really bad its gonna die soon if I don't get HELP! Could it be Mg deficient or maybe a Ph problem? How do i fix this? I am using Bio-Bloom 1.1-2.5-2. Could there be a lock out of nuts?



Well-Known Member
Do you know what the pH is? Measure the pH of the water that drains out of the bottom of the pot next water.


Well-Known Member
Various solutions for adjusting pH, depends which way you need to adjust it, and usually what you have available. What kind of water do you use?

You can buy products to adjust it, or use household products, some are better than others.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing you have a trace mineral deficiency, and more than one. Could definitely be pH related.


Well-Known Member
I have been using Distilled water. I havnet tested the PH for some time because it was ok but this popped up out of nowhere?
my first guess would have been PH but if you are using distllied your water your PH should be fine, distilled is usually mid 5's to low 6's right outta the bottle.

my second guess would be over watering...
are you full strenght on the nutes? and are you giving them nutes at every watering? how often do you water?

it could be way over nuted or way under fed. or the nutes could be fine and it could be just too wet, roots need air.

what are the temps in your room, nightime low and daytime high?

i'm not sure... if it were me i'd flush her with distilled and let her soak up some clean water for a couple of days.

i'd see if you can get a few people that give the same general consensus.

there is a link floating around rui that shows what each deficiency looks like, problem is they all look pretty similar.


Active Member
Well thanks I now can conform i have a PH problem the distilled water was good and i mixed the nuts with it and tested and it was still fine, then i tested the run off it it was in the 4-5 PH range (really bad) so I am think there must have been a nut build up or something, could it have been lack of nuts. I water ever 4-5 days and i switch from nuts one fed to just water the next off and on. So I used some PH up in the distilled water and flushed with 3 gallons of water. So i am hoping to see some improvement in the nest couple of days. What are your thoughts? Also I have seen that link and everything does look the same. Can a plant come back from something this bad?


Active Member
also the room temp is a little high at 80 degrees but at night it drops to the low 70's also the humity is at 40%.