Plant dying with about a week left


Well-Known Member
thats a mistake. of course the plant is gonna start dying towards the end of its life cycle:wall:(no offense)...... but i see u chopped it already.


Well-Known Member
thats a mistake. of course the plant is gonna start dying towards the end of its life cycle...... but i see u chopped it already so its irrelevant but some info for next time
now. stop feeding 3 weeks b4 harvest or your smoke is gonna taste disgusting from all them chemicals if u dont
thats a mistake. of course the plant is gonna start dying towards the end of its life cycle...... but i see u chopped it already so its irrelevant but some info for next time
now. stop feeding 3 weeks b4 harvest or your smoke is gonna taste disgusting from all them chemicals if u dont
Number one, I posted a couple before and no one responded. The plant stopped growing completely a couple weeks into flowering so after a couple months of watching every leaf turn yellow and wither up, I made a decision. Plus, I stopped using fertilizer over a week before I chopped so I think I'll b ok as far as taste. This is some very kin bud so I hope I didn't ruin the taste bc it smells incredible. I have read that i could have stopped feeding fert a couple days prior to when I did, but three weeks is outrageous. Wouldn't you be depriving it of nutrients and minerals it needs in its last stages. I understand fertilizer builds up, but if you aren't using time release fertilizer, why stop so early that the built up fertilizer will be long gone after the first 14 days. So you would waste at least 7 good days of building the plant up with fertilizer? I guess everyone is an expert after the fact. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but where was everyone when I was posting questions and in dire need of help? No one was there. Now that I chopped it, people are starting to question why I did what I did. Hey, I thought something is better than nothing. Next time I'll keep an eye on things before they spiral out of control during flowering like they did this time. Thanks anyway for your suggestion. Honestly, I am not trying to come off as a know it all, I'm just a bit miffed that no one responded when I needed help.


no its not near the end of flowering and the leaves are showing signs of a nute overload thats not good at the point but its not ruined fill that pot with plain water run as much water through the soil as you can and i wouldn't add any more nutrients for at least a week to let new roots grow i don't know what this violet food you speek of is but most violet food i seen has the wrong N P K just us mirical grow rose food and make sure when you water the water runs through the soil to keep from nute build up witch could also cause root lock and the plant wont get any bigger


Well-Known Member
Number one, I posted a couple before and no one responded. The plant stopped growing completely a couple weeks into flowering so after a couple months of watching every leaf turn yellow and wither up, I made a decision. Plus, I stopped using fertilizer over a week before I chopped so I think I'll b ok as far as taste. This is some very kin bud so I hope I didn't ruin the taste bc it smells incredible. I have read that i could have stopped feeding fert a couple days prior to when I did, but three weeks is outrageous. Wouldn't you be depriving it of nutrients and minerals it needs in its last stages. I understand fertilizer builds up, but if you aren't using time release fertilizer, why stop so early that the built up fertilizer will be long gone after the first 14 days. So you would waste at least 7 good days of building the plant up with fertilizer? I guess everyone is an expert after the fact. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but where was everyone when I was posting questions and in dire need of help? No one was there. Now that I chopped it, people are starting to question why I did what I did. Hey, I thought something is better than nothing. Next time I'll keep an eye on things before they spiral out of control during flowering like they did this time. Thanks anyway for your suggestion. Honestly, I am not trying to come off as a know it all, I'm just a bit miffed that no one responded when I needed help.
lol, sorry bro,....i was at work when you posted. wish i coulda helped. 3 weeks might be a bit early to stop nutes but that was an approx answer. i shoulda said between 2-3 weeks before harvest. gotta go to work again see ya later guy
Man that plant doesn't even look close to ready man. Where's the bud? Is their even much trichomes's on it, cuz that is a big plant and it should put out a lot more bud than that.(depending on your condotions. but a 100x scope will definately do the trick) Leaves dye throughout a plants life, this is one of the ways that the plant releases toxins and crap it doesn't need and to use energy from them. closer to harvest a lot more leaves dye.
it is normal for plants to use up all nitrogen at the end of the flowering period. supposed to stop fert. two weeks before harvest. look at the pictures they posted for identifying probs in this forum. if you really have a week left the plant are prob just using the last of nitrogen and fertilizer


Well-Known Member
yeah, he chopped her, i feel for him, he didnt get any responses quick enough(for him) so he did what he thought was best. op....wish ya luck next time
It's too late now! I appreciate all of the feedback, but I didn't want to waste the little i did have. If its any consolation, the little bit does look great (It's almost done drying). I just don't get why you dry kb so much. It was so moist and looked amazing and now that i have been drying for almost a week it is getting harder and dryer (still looks great). Shouldn't you want kb to be a little moist and sticky? Will that come when I cure it? Because it is kind of hard. I got a jar ready for curing, and i'm gonna put it in when the buds get hard enough that stems snap and not bend (right? that's what I read).