plant fade question


Well-Known Member
Technically plants should finish pure green and healthy. The fade is more soil but can be used to an extent with everything.

You shouldnt have a problem finishing with normal strength nutes unless you had them a little high in the first place.

The rest is just grower preference :-)


Active Member
im in week 7 from pre flower to 8 weeks from 12/12 flip
last res change a week a go was @ 660ppm and i have topped up with only water this week reducing my ppm to around 540
should i refill @ my normal ppm or start reducing by 10 ish %

she has not started to fatten yet and i feel like she will need two more weeks
she is rather dark green and did get tip burn early in to flower

i never see fade in my plants maybe because i always pull early, or i feed to much and right up till chop or its just a hydro thing ( no fade )

hypercritically what would happen if i stopped feeding now. would the plant eat up all the nutrients in the leafs and keep growing or just stop growing and mess up my fattening



Well-Known Member
HOnestly looks like at least 3 weeks from the large amount of fresh stigma growth. That plant is still actively trying to grow more buds for you. Once that stops or drastically slows and the stigma actually redden and shrink up, then you are at about the 2 week mark.

I have been running hydro for 10 years now. I feed with lower levels then some guys do, and I feed right till harvest. The flavor and smell of my buds ALWAYS smacks people in the face, and I always get a wow this is tasty. Smooth smoke comes from a nice slow dry.


Well-Known Member
I've done a lot of DWC grows and I'd keep the ppm where it's at and let the plants feed off what's left just topping up with water. Maybe some epsom salts to add some extra sulfur but they look like they may have 2 or 3 weeks before prime time.

I find most strains fatten up noticeably the last couple weeks and like to see some yellowing in the older fans at the end. Lot of green in those yet so they can steal nutes if they need it. Sulfure isn't a mobile nute so good to have a bit in the tank.

Good luck and a good harvest!



Active Member
HOnestly looks like at least 3 weeks from the large amount of fresh stigma growth. That plant is still actively trying to grow more buds for you. Once that stops or drastically slows and the stigma actually redden and shrink up, then you are at about the 2 week mark.

I have been running hydro for 10 years now. I feed with lower levels then some guys do, and I feed right till harvest. The flavor and smell of my buds ALWAYS smacks people in the face, and I always get a wow this is tasty. Smooth smoke comes from a nice slow dry.
I've done a lot of DWC grows and I'd keep the ppm where it's at and let the plants feed off what's left just topping up with water. Maybe some epsom salts to add some extra sulfur but they look like they may have 2 or 3 weeks before prime time.

I find most strains fatten up noticeably the last couple weeks and like to see some yellowing in the older fans at the end. Lot of green in those yet so they can steal nutes if they need it. Sulfure isn't a mobile nute so good to have a bit in the tank.

Good luck and a good harvest!

i think she has too much stored nutrients. id expect 3 more weeks but

i cant bring this plant to full maturity and she got to go in a week due to filter and ventilation problems that i cant fix till i remove the plant. sucks but shit happens

would it be best to run ph water for the rest of the week before i have to kill her or just keep will chop like i normally do


Well-Known Member
i think she has too much stored nutrients. id expect 3 more weeks but

i cant bring this plant to full maturity and she got to go in a week due to filter and ventilation problems that i cant fix till i remove the plant. sucks but shit happens

would it be best to run ph water for the rest of the week before i have to kill her or just keep will chop like i normally do
Even if you can't wait, I think you will still be happy. But I don't know much about DWC since I'm using soil, so someone else can chime in on that one.