Plant fell over !


Active Member
After all the problems I have had with my plant in thinking of giving up trying to grow . My plant has fallen over . I know half the roots on one side were damages as the plant has flopped to one side. No stem damaged but defo one side of the roots are damaged to fuck I have had to tie it up. So it doesn't flop . Will it survive ? Kinda pissed off but it's rookie mistakes. Cheers guys IMG_20200503_103714.jpg15885022957521197257837122478550.jpg15885023132102982978844328637867.jpg


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She’ll be ok but you would be better off driving a plant stake, or several,down in the pot and tying the plant loosely to it/them rather than binding the plant base. With those ties at the base, as the stem grows in diameter you might girdle it.
She be good did you transplant recently
No was about 4 week ago that I last transplanted. The plant didn't actually fall out the tub . It bent the stem and basically ripped the roots near the top of the soil at one side. It was like the roots couldn't support it at one side so had to tie it up. I have been misting the leafs a little since it happened. . Cheers for the reply mate
She’ll be ok but you would be better off driving a plant stake, or several,down in the pot and tying the plant loosely to it/them rather than binding the plant base. With those ties at the base, as the stem grows in diameter you might girdle it.
I was thinking of loosing them off a little every now and then as I need to . I will defo get some stakes for it though . I started off loving my little plant growing . Then problem after problem . Not major problems just a headache of problems haha . Cheers
Get the love back man show her some love and she will repay you
wasn't good coz I'm a week and half into flowering and just got a 250watt red spectrum CFL . I had to get one with what iv got. Gonna go bigger after this. Can't wait to see what it produces . Was a bag seed aswell unknown strain lol
How my plants doing? Trying to flower them I don't know if they any good or not 2nd grow .


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How my plants doing? Trying to flower them I don't know if they any good or not 2nd grow .
Looking healthy bro . How long u had them for ? . Any idea why the tips of my leafs are curling up ? Are they liking the light or not aha iv got them close coz it's a 250 watt CFL coz I ain't got the funds for a big big light . Got some others on the way but hid ones . The 250watt CFL is the red spectrum one


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Allmost 2 months bro. And could be meny reasons could be heat stress over watering. To much nutrients. Or some sort of defiancey. I'm not a expert so I wouldn't know man but look healthy to me.
Did you overwater it?
I have been giving her a little like every 4 days . But this time round I left it a little longer . It was dry on the top 2 maybe 3 inch so gave it a lil extra . Think that's where I messed up then lol . I'll just leave it around a week . I just checked the weight of the tub . It feels heavy but not overly so should be ok . I put some more drainage holes in the side and the bottom and no water come out . Got told my drainage may be off the other day so I put more holes in lol . Hopefully it will help
Allmost 2 months bro. And could be meny reasons could be heat stress over watering. To much nutrients. Or some sort of defiancey. I'm not a expert so I wouldn't know man but look healthy to me.
Looking good mate . Let's hope they bring you many buds aha . I think my problem may of been the over water I did the other day lol
If it's heavy don't add anymore water. Ur plants will tell u when they thirsty look for the no life energy symptoms almost like it's going to flip over no life. But the pot thing is handy as my plants drink like 1 L of water now everyday. Since flowering but I know the weights now and the look they give when they dehydrated