Plant food


Well-Known Member
Its for weed plants
I realise it's for weed plants.
But there is more than one baby bio food.

Baby Bio fruit n veg
NPK 5.5 - 5 - 7.5 vegging and flowering your weed

Baby Bio House plant food
NPK 10.6 - 4.4 - 1.7 that would work for vegging weed

Baby Bio flowers n shrubs
NPK 5.5 - 5 - 7.5 vegging and flowering weed

So you are UK. Therefore I can highly recommend Levingtons Tomatorite.
Fertiliser analysis
NPK 4 - 3 - 8.
You can get it in B&Q, Homebase, B&M, Home Bargains etc.
It works very well, trust me

Sanny alex

New Member
I realise it's for weed plants.
But there is more than one baby bio food.

Baby Bio fruit n veg
NPK 5.5 - 5 - 7.5 vegging and flowering your weed

Baby Bio House plant food
NPK 10.6 - 4.4 - 1.7 that would work for vegging weed

Baby Bio flowers n shrubs
NPK 5.5 - 5 - 7.5 vegging and flowering weed

So you are UK. Therefore I can highly recommend Levingtons Tomatorite.
Fertiliser analysis
NPK 4 - 3 - 8.
You can get it in B&Q, Homebase, B&M, Home Bargains etc.
It works very well, trust me
Ok thanks


Well-Known Member
@Moflow sorry to jump a thread and that but I was wondering if you could help me with a wee quibble I have, is my aerating the tap water before use on the plants pointless?, it's just being in Scotland the water is soft to start with and after trials, hehe get me with trials and stuff, it would appear that the tap water was better than the rain water and pre aerated tap when used on the plants, there was less of an urgency for cal mag.

Sanny alex

New Member
@Moflow sorry to jump a thread and that but I was wondering if you could help me with a wee quibble I have, is my aerating the tap water before use on the plants pointless?, it's just being in Scotland the water is soft to start with and after trials, hehe get me with trials and stuff, it would appear that the tap water was better than the rain water and pre aerated tap when used on the plants, there was less of an urgency for cal mag.
I use tap water


Well-Known Member
Ive used baby bio plant food(black one) before got some half decents results but was only microdosing
Keep it green dude


Well-Known Member
Just microdosed around half a ml in 1.5 litre water, i used it every second watering. I could of probably used more but I was new then and worried about over feeding
Keep it green


Well-Known Member
I would add as soon as vegging to strengthen them stems up(USB computer fans are great for babys, to be honest i dont use a fan anymore ive got a 2 in 1 dehumidifier/air purifier and i use on air purification setting which gives a nice light breeze


Well-Known Member
@Moflow sorry to jump a thread and that but I was wondering if you could help me with a wee quibble I have, is my aerating the tap water before use on the plants pointless?, it's just being in Scotland the water is soft to start with and after trials, hehe get me with trials and stuff, it would appear that the tap water was better than the rain water and pre aerated tap when used on the plants, there was less of an urgency for cal mag.
What pH reading is your tap soft water before and after averaging?
What are you growing in, soil, compost coco etc
Mines is 7.1 - 7.4 pH. 0.2 - 0.3 ec
I'm using Biobizz light mix, it has a PH of 6.2 and potting compost mix medium.
There are buffers in the mix - lime I believe, that'll balance out the pH levels so no need to pH my water really.
Maybe your aeration raises the pH of the water and therefore any calcium in it is now more available to the plants.
I don't aerate my water.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the graph and the response, unfortunately I'm only using ph paper dip strip type crap and it comes out at near enough neutral from the tap, you probably got a shudder down your spine with memories of high school reading that, sorry hehe, but the way I'm reading it it would appear more acidic and maybe falling short of the range for calcium?, does that sound plausible?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the graph and the response, unfortunately I'm only using ph paper dip strip type crap and it comes out at near enough neutral from the tap, you probably got a shudder down your spine with memories of high school reading that, sorry hehe, but the way I'm reading it it would appear more acidic and maybe falling short of the range for calcium?, does that sound plausible?
Type in your postcode to the below link and it'll give you an indication of your water type hopefully.

I was reading and the aquarium chaps say

By exposing your tap water to the air and agitating the surface, you are causing a gas exchange at the surface of the water (oxygen goes from the air to the water while carbon dioxide goes from the water to the air). This exchange reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in your water and causes the pH to rise.

The most logical explanation for me would be: Many tap waters contain more CO2 than what the equilibrium would be (2-3 ppm) and therefore the pH goes up with aeration. You and I, we have water that contains no CO2, therefore the pH goes down when the equilibrium happens.

Its Interesting subject
I can remember testing a britta water filter jug years ago and found it dropped the waters PH a bit, can't remember by how much but it was small
Hope that helps