plant for decoration??


Active Member
i have 2 plants growing, now in flowering, wondering if i wanted to keep one in veg for decoration in my house would i have to keep it in the grow room or would it survive if i set it up in the corner of my living room? what light would i need and what about photo periods? I dont really smoke but i love the look of the plants.


Active Member
Get yourself some flowers or something LEGAL to decorate your house with.

Grow weed to smoke, not decorate:wall:

again, that dosent help me, if i wanted legal advice id consult a lawyer, will it die or can it be grown as a house plant, thats all i want to know, lol jesus


Well-Known Member
Smoke it or give it to me :P

No seriously.. u can grow it as a house plant, bt it'll be stinky ass.... do u plan to keep the plant in veggy period?..i'd suggest u that way... so, keep like a 50 or preferably 100 watt cfl with reflectors over it....and keep it on for 24 hours.... if ur planning to flower the plant, idk if u shd use it for decoration.. :| Just Smoke it man, wtf?? :|


Active Member
Smoke it or give it to me :P

No seriously.. u can grow it as a house plant, bt it'll be stinky ass.... do u plan to keep the plant in veggy period?..i'd suggest u that way... so, keep like a 50 or preferably 100 watt cfl with reflectors over it....and keep it on for 24 hours.... if ur planning to flower the plant, idk if u shd use it for decoration.. :| Just Smoke it man, wtf?? :|

THANK YOU! lol thats all i needed to know.


Well-Known Member
again, that dosent help me, if i wanted legal advice id consult a lawyer, will it die or can it be grown as a house plant, thats all i want to know, lol jesus
you might want to consult that lawyer before you start setting plants out on the porch for some foliage:clap:


Active Member
you might want to consult that lawyer before you start setting plants out on the porch for some foliage:clap:

I dont know about the laws where you live but the charge for growing a plant or two here in newfoundland isnt all that serious, i have friends in the police force and to them trying to bust someone with one or two plants is nothing but a waste of time, they're looking for the major growers not someone like me growing a couple.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Haha thats pretty cool. How is this bad though, i mean why not? Are you guys that big of fiends that your going to bug if this guy just wants to let a plant chill? If he wants to grow let him grow, you guys have no right to tell him his shits wrong.

Yea keep that light on it 24/0 and itll stay in the vegging state. But you said there now in flowering so idk what to tell you man im not really sure who you can covert them back to vegging if that s what you want. Take some pictures though later on cause that thing is probably gunna get huge if its just chilling there for months to lookcool and not jsut be chopped. Id recommend going to or whatever the site is and get a 68 what vegging bulb.


Active Member
I dont know about the laws where you live but the charge for growing a plant or two here in newfoundland isnt all that serious, i have friends in the police force and to them trying to bust someone with one or two plants is nothing but a waste of time, they're looking for the major growers not someone like me growing a couple.
i know what that feels like, i picked up growing as a hobby nothing else since i dont
somke. i would also like something really nice growing in my room or if i ever buy my own house something in my living room. seriously if you cant trust the ppl you let in ur house then whats the point of even letting ppl come over. as for cops im not scared of them busting me with a couple plants more than im scared of them busting me for downloading music.


Well-Known Member
And oh if they are in flowering, u can always re-vegg them, u'll be one grower that wont mind ur plants turning to males or Hermies cos of stress :p
and do remember to transplant those plants in HUGE ASS pots... that way they can grow huge :)


Well-Known Member
it just seems like taking a risk when you could easily grow other varieties of plants that are legal.

Wether or not the laws are harsh is not the issue..the fact is that its putting you at more risk than its worth in my opinion and seeing as to how you dont even smoke I don't see why you would even grow pot in the first place when you could grow veggies and actually have a product at harvest time to take pride in, eat, and enjoy
Growing pot and not even enjoying the end product baffles me:confused:
do what you want, I wont tell :peace:


Active Member
Haha thats pretty cool. How is this bad though, i mean why not? Are you guys that big of fiends that your going to bug if this guy just wants to let a plant chill? If he wants to grow let him grow, you guys have no right to tell him his shits wrong.

Yea keep that light on it 24/0 and itll stay in the vegging state. But you said there now in flowering so idk what to tell you man im not really sure who you can covert them back to vegging if that s what you want. Take some pictures though later on cause that thing is probably gunna get huge if its just chilling there for months to lookcool and not jsut be chopped. Id recommend going to or whatever the site is and get a 68 what vegging bulb.
Thanks, thats the response i was looking for, ive said it about a million times in the past that i think the marijuana plant is the most interesting and beautiful plant on the planet and if i could id have one in every room of my house, wait a min i can !!, lol

I think what im gonna do is put the smaller of the two back into veg, both are female so ill let one grow right to harvest and the other ill set up in my living room in a huge ass pot, ill post pics as i go. Thanks again.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
I would like to say though come harvest time all take all that nice production. Deffinatly dont let it go to waste though, sell it man thats what id do if i didn't smoke. To a really close friend that smokes so theres no risk involved. For cheap though but then your getting more to


Well-Known Member
ive seen a single plant grown as a house plant that he also used as a mother. just keep it in a small pot so it doesnt get big. all you would need is a desk lamp, one that has the bendy neck and clamp, clamp that near the plant so it can be right over it. buy a 45w cfl from walmart for like 7 bucks and just keep it on 24/7.

dont listen to people that just give you shit! what you do is your business! what do they care if you get busted? its not them... i personaly love everything about the plant! i would have them everywere if i could.