One coat of Kilz primer should make those shelf marks disappear. I've kilzed everything, even black walls. One coat, 2 top coats, done.strips from removing the shelving that was in there when I bought the place took 10 coats to cover
One coat of Kilz primer should make those shelf marks disappear. I've kilzed everything, even black walls. One coat, 2 top coats, done.strips from removing the shelving that was in there when I bought the place took 10 coats to cover
One coat of Kilz primer should make those shelf marks disappear. I've kilzed everything, even black walls. One coat, 2 top coats, done.
Kilz, it'll seal ink or anything. Then just top coat w/latex or what ever.
Wear a respirator if you spray or even if you brush/roll, unless your
Kilz is water base. Oh hell, you can look it up:Code: