Plant from setup 1 of 2

One coat of Kilz primer should make those shelf marks disappear. I've kilzed everything, even black walls. One coat, 2 top coats, done.

The paint I used is an undercoat primer so should have been just a couple coats to cover it. Good enough anyways.

Kilz, it'll seal ink or anything. Then just top coat w/latex or what ever.
Wear a respirator if you spray or even if you brush/roll, unless your
Kilz is water base. Oh hell, you can look it up:
Kilz, it'll seal ink or anything. Then just top coat w/latex or what ever.
Wear a respirator if you spray or even if you brush/roll, unless your
Kilz is water base. Oh hell, you can look it up:

I'll keep that in mind if I ever decide to finish painting the rest of the room. Took me 20 years growing in there to get around to painting that corner. :)

I could just cover the walls with panda film but would get moisture trapped behind it leading to black mould and there's already some of that in the rest of the basement tho a lot less than when I first bought the place. I ran ozone down there for a few years to kill it off.
