Plant grew too tall and got burn't. D'oh.


Well-Known Member
So one of my THC Bomb plants has been growing insanely rapidly, I'm a bit suspicious of it being a male... :neutral:

(the problem child is the one in the back left, the ones in the middle and front are Sensi Kush, except the one front left which is also THC Bomb, as is the one in the back right, which is also growing very rapidly, and even moreso since I've put them into flowering).

Anyway, after already raising the light up twice because it got so tall, I get home from work today to find out that the plant grew up to my light (inside an EasyCool 6, so it has a glass plate shielding it and not much heat escapes, but I guess enough did..) and got burnt, so to speak. The topmost leaves are all shriveled and dry, but the rest of the plant seems fine. I can't provide a picture right now since the only ones I took turned out too line-y (from the HPS, I'm sure you know what I mean) and I forgot to take one before the light turned off for the dark cycle. I gave the plant a bit of extra water (watering was yesterday) and just left it. Raised the light up another few inches but I guess I have two problems:

1 - what will happen to the one that got too tall? Will there be no main cola? Will vertical height be reduced (dear god please tell me yes)? Will there be a main cola, just without the top part? Will the top part just dry up and fall off, and if so, what happens with vertical growth then?

2 - it's too tall. and the sister THC Bomb plant next to it, also very sativa, is starting to get pretty tall too. Guess I vegged them too long. What should I do about this? I can only raise my light a few more inches if they grow taller, because that's the limit of my closet space. How can I limit their vertical growth? The more specific you are the better.

Thanks guys. Don't know how I'd do this without you.
Note - that picture was a few days ago, it's not 100% recent. They've gotten significantly taller since.

EDIT: Also, they're under an HPS now, not the MH. Flowering has begun (I hope)
the only thin i have to recommend looking into something called supercropping.use this as a general idea its what i did to mine when it got to tall. you just roll the stem between your fingers and bend it over. i have my plant topped so i had a couple shots at getting it right but even with the ones that i thought i totally bent to much have kept growing strong. this will make it have some horizontal growth and then keep on going up
Yah, What Cotton Said.

Most everyone out there that has any number of crops under their belts have burnt the leafs with their lights at some point or another. Just cut off the damage and carry on.
the only thin i have to recommend looking into something called supercropping.use this as a general idea its what i did to mine when it got to tall. you just roll the stem between your fingers and bend it over. i have my plant topped so i had a couple shots at getting it right but even with the ones that i thought i totally bent to much have kept growing strong. this will make it have some horizontal growth and then keep on going up

Alright, I'll go find that sticky on supercropping.

how long have they been in flower?

Just a few days

Yah, What Cotton Said.

Most everyone out there that has any number of crops under their belts have burnt the leafs with their lights at some point or another. Just cut off the damage and carry on.

Thanks, that's the info I was looking for. I didn't think it'd be too big of a problem, the plant is growing pretty beautifully.
THat is why I usually start flowering at about 15 inches. because you can plan on them tripleing in height once flowering starts.

How tall are your plants now?
The tallest was about 3.5 ft... I just supercropped the main stem at about 3ft so hopefully that'll solve the problem, at least this grow.

I really hope they aren't going to triple in height, my closet would just explode
i have a feeling that one may be a male. they seem to get huge fast. keep an eye on them for any sign of sexing. i tell myself when in doubt throw it out. its hard to throw your biggest out for sure but he will just cause problems.
What Cotton said it true.... To a point. To many times new growers throw out a plant thinking it is male when in fact it has not shown sex yet. Even once a plant shows it is male, It take a while for it to mature enough to release the pollin. There is time to wait and make sure.
i have a feeling that one may be a male. they seem to get huge fast. keep an eye on them for any sign of sexing. i tell myself when in doubt throw it out. its hard to throw your biggest out for sure but he will just cause problems.

That's what I thought originally as well, but then I looked at a preflower under a microscope and it definitely had a pistil. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a hermie though, my intuition is telling me that the other preflowers are male.

HOWEVER, the plant next to it is definitely female, as I also predicted. Definitely a calyx with two pistils coming out, don't even have to look under a microscope to see. :D
Also Dangly Bits is right, there's no need to throw anything out yet. I check them many times a day so I'll notice if it's male or female wellllll before pollen sacs even fully develop, let alone open up.
All you can do is tie it down or super crop'em! I grow in a closet too so I top at the 5th set of branches this give you a short and bushy plant. You don't get one big cola but 5 or 6 little ones! Then flower at 15"-18"! You have to figure their going to get 3x taller. At 15" it's going to be 45" plus about 12" for the pot and dirt or whatever! Plan ahead next time! If you just went into flowering and thier 3 feet tall they will be about 8'-9' feet tall:lol::lol::lol:
I think I'm just going to let them grow normally, no chemicals, and LST/supercrop wherever necessary. I'll have more room for this once I clear out the males that I'm sure are going to emerge.