Plant growing slowly ?


Active Member
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Im a couple weeks in and plant is looking a tad bit small. Also, there is a tiny whole in one of the two top set of leaves.
Sorry about quality - iphone 5
Your seedling looks healthy, if its growing slow try moving it where it can get more sun. Also depending on where you live it may be too cold for your baby, considering its almost December. Have you done anything that might have put it into shock?


Active Member
I live in florida, it gets sun 12 hours a day. it's my first grow, so i was just wondering. It's been pouring at night down here, could that be it?
If your soil is always drenched than yes, plants don't like to be constantly in water. Let your plant dry out almost completely before the next watering. I would shelter your plant during the rain if your media is retaining too much water. Especially since i see that you are using mulch, mulch is a good idea but it helps retain water.


Well-Known Member
It may be your soil. If the plant is stunted, its most likely caused by the roots. If the roots cant dig, they cant get big. Are you watering enough? There is a difference than over watering but that may be the problem. give us more details on the grow in specifics and we can probably help you better