Plant height/Development


Active Member
I have a 20x10 area where my plants are. On one side my plants are over 6ft and doing well. On the other side they are barely growing. I am using the same products on the whole garden and I cant understand it? I have even replanted and the same thing is happening. Any ideas?

Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
you either got 2 things... the soil maybe take a PH test and see...OR they are different strands that grow shorter


Active Member
the 6 fters could be blocking some sun causing them to be shorter ... are u growing bagseed cause that could be your problem to.. how spaced out are your plants?


Well-Known Member
As goosecomander said, less sun = less growth, so if one is getting more than the other.... Usually if it is an insect problem you will see signs like discolored or eaten leaves. I have grown some hybrid strains that differ in growth height from the same batch of seeds , but never to the extent your talking about.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Strange I must say. You would think if the one's are growing tall and healthy that the other side would atleast grow thin and tall stretched style. Hmmmm

Are there any pine trees in the area? Do all the plants growing in your own soil? Or what was there already?


Active Member
Yes.. There is a pine tree but it sort of centered. But now that you said that that may be my problem. A pine tree? It is around the same distance from the 6fters but if everything else is equal I'll just get rid of it and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
hmmm mabey... because one side gets more sun than the other because the sun only faces one side and if you have a bush those plants infront would thrive the one side and the ones in the back would be tiny till plant in lines and rows not in 1 big square next time allow more room for lots of sunlight on everyplant