Plant height


New Member
What's the trick to growing these plants taller.. I only get about an ounce off of my plants. I need some extreme help. I have each plant in a 10 gallon bucket with miracle grow and I am using some nutrients as well.. What do I need to do or get?


Time. More soil would also help. I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest not fertilizing plants until they show deficiencies.


New Member
What would be a good soil to use? And is it recommended to top your plants I always hear a lot about it but haven't learned to much about it..


Active Member
yep, don't top it or tie it down but you could cut a lower branch or two off for clones or whatever, take it outside or get light through a window, transplant it to a bigger pot for flowering, use fish fertilizer or dyna gro . I use greenall organic potting soil, and if you mix the happy frog granules in the soil it's like super soil or something. Mycorrhizae will give it a boost after the transplant. Try a 15 or 25 gallon (smart) pot you will get more for sure. foliar feeding too.