Plant hospital


Well-Known Member
ok poly, so my lights came on and I opened my flowering tent up and it is way bad. is there any way to stop this, like a flush or something? It feels like I am going to loose the 4 plants with the problems. I really appreciate all your help


Well-Known Member
ok poly, so my lights came on and I opened my flowering tent up and it is way bad. is there any way to stop this, like a flush or something? It feels like I am going to loose the 4 plants with the problems. I really appreciate all your help. I have my water at 6.3-6.4 waiting just water, nothing else. should I put some cal mag in it for the deficiency?


Well-Known Member
flush it. you have to let it dry some to add any nutes if you flush with the nutes they may or may not stay. but i would flush if it pulling a turn for the worse and then try to wait a week or 2 and go with half strength nutes


Active Member
I tried to post the link but it didn't show it..but maybe you could click on my name and find my post. Its called "veg problems with pics.need some pointers"


Well-Known Member
root bound and not enough light reaching your bottom leaves it looks like. so the plants drops leaves to conserve energy, could be low on N too.

i would adjust all thre, transplant add cfl under lighting, and feed with a med-low dose of N.


Well-Known Member
looks like your spray for the spider mites is burning your leaves, try to spray every 3 days and in between use regular water. other than that, handle the spidermite the best you can and add some fert high in N but low dose, to help the plant recover, and leaves are looking a little light yellow


Well-Known Member
no spray for spider mites has been applied yet, I just noticed the pollen looking stuff, and came on here asking what that was, I know people said spider mites, but im going through my garden now, have yet to see and im not sure what to do with the plants that pollen looking stuff im discarding those plants I suppose....


Well-Known Member
thats not pollen those are eggs an lots of them, they are eating your plants alive you need to spray IMMEDIATELY. but they are still salvageable.


Well-Known Member
See its odd, literally I found NO spiders at all, but meh I have 2 new clones that I just bought and im tempted to throw them out...........this is BS and cant figure out how I got it....


Well-Known Member
See its odd, literally I found NO spiders at all, but meh I have 2 new clones that I just bought and im tempted to throw them out...........this is BS and cant figure out how I got it....
They are native where I live. Outdoors, they always show up during flowering. You might have unwittingly picked up some hitchhikers at some point.


Well-Known Member
thy are everywhere, i have had them for years tou learn to control them after time and then prevent. they are there you might need a scope to see them but they are there.


Well-Known Member
Well let me ask this, is there stuff that can be thrown in the DWC reservoirs etc to PREVENT these bastards from even living?


Well-Known Member
ummm no. there are poisons but if you miss even one they may come back. there are preventatives but they only last so long and even then they will fight thru that.

the best ways is to pick several different chemical or orgnanic concentrates and cycle between them and using neem concentrate or oil the whole grow.

my personal arsenal againts the mfers,

spectracide aka matholion (2 week decay, sythetic) permethrin(2 week decay, sythetic) pyrethrin(week decay, organic) and neem concentrate


Well-Known Member
ok sure sure a poison lol that sounds good, but lol ok ill start looking into, but honestly-I should probably throw them away regardless...........mites=no smoke


Well-Known Member
i smoke my mite and love the fact thats i am they deserve a firey death, but they dont really get into the buds they mainly stick to the leaves so the smoke will be alright so long as you give enough time for the poison to rinsed and decayed off the bud, so it is safe to smoke. the little buggers or the poison wont affect taste(well the poison might if you dont give it enough time to decay)